Academic Writing Research

Lecturer: Li-Hua Chou  (周利華 )


Phone:  02-24622192 #2005


Course ID:  M9D014PH

Credits: 3

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Description and Goals:

This course is designed to provide the students with a thorough understanding of research in academic writing. It will cover a range of topics. These include researching academic writing and writers, collecting and analyzing qualitative data, studying the effects of study-abroad experiences on EFL writers and analyzing the writing assignments and writing problems of master and doctoral students. In addition, faculty perceptions of academic writing and pedagogical issues will be discussed. Students are expected to participate in the discussions each week. At the end of the semester, students will need to submit a final report based on the research projects discussed in class. 

Schedule Type: pair work discussion PowerPoint presentation Lecture 

Course Schedule (subject to change):

Introduction Plagiarism: Do Students Know What It Is? What Professors Actually Require: Academic Tasks for the ESL Classroom The writing assignments and writing problems of doctoral students: Faculty perceptions, pedagogical issues, and needed research Non-native graduate students’ thesis/dissertation writing in science: self-reports by students and their advisors from two U.S. institutions Faculty views on the importance of writing, the nature of academic writing, and teaching and responding to writing in the disciplines Professors’ reactions to the academic writing of nonnative-speaking students No class Academic Problems and Needs: Voices of Vietnamese Postgraduates in Taiwan Mid-term exam week -Indonesian Postgraduate Students studying in Australia: An Examination of their Academic, Social and Cultural Experiences Interviewing international students Analyzing the interview data The Focus of Supervisor Written Feedback to Thesis/Dissertation Students Chinese Graduate Students’ Exper