Fish Immunology

Lecturer: Pin-Wen Chiou (邱品文)


Phone:  02-24622192#5215 


Course ID: M33010GB

Credits: 3

Course Prerequisites: Biology or courses offering basic understanding of biology 

Course Description and Goals:

The course adopts a comparative approach to introduce the fundamental principles in fish immune system. The unique features of fish immune system will be highlighted and applications in controlling infectious diseases in fish will be discussed.

Schedule Type:  1. Lectures delivered in English with the assistance of powerpoint slides 2. Classroom discussion on lecture materials and assigned reading

Course Schedule (subject to change):

Lecture 01. Introduction to the vertebrate immune system Cells, tissues, and organs of the immune system Lecture 02. Innate immunity (I) – Mechanisms of innate immunity Lecture 03. Innate immunity (II) – Initiation of innate immunity Lecture 04. Innate immunity (III) – Innate phagocytic cells and their roles in bridging the adaptive immune system Lecture 05. Adaptive immunity (I) – Antibodies Lecture 06. Adaptive immunity (II) – T cell receptors and MHC molecules, Antigen presentation Lecture 07. Adaptive immunity (III) – Humoral response, cellular response Lecture 08. Regulation of the immune response Lecture 09. When immune system goes wrong Lecture 10. Fish Vaccinology Lecture 11. Special topics on fish immunology (I) Lecture 12. Special topics on fish immunology (II) Lecture 13. Special topics on fish immunology (III) Lecture 14. Special topics on fish immunology (IV)