Environment and Seismology

Lecturer: Yi-Ling Huang (黃怡陵)

Email: ylhuang@mail.ntou.edu.tw 

Phone: 886-2-2462-2192#6512 

Webpage: ies.ntou.edu.tw/p/404-1080-49371.php?Lang=zh-tw 

Course ID: M8601UD2

Credits: 3

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Description and Goals:

From the point of view of environmental education and hazard reduction, the relationship between earthquakes, earthquake warning, earthquake forecast, earthquake prediction, earthquake disasters, earthquake protection and the hazard reducing system will be introduced.

Schedule Type:  

Main teaching method: Dictation and Discussion. Auxiliary: Talks from Professionals.

Course Schedule (subject to change): 

Two to three weeks for each topic.