Mathematical Models for Groundwater

Lecturer: Yung-Chia Chiu (邱永嘉)


Phone: (02)2462-2192 #6515、6516 


Course ID: D860155Q

Credits: 3

Course Prerequisites: Programming, Groundwater hydrology (or hydrogeology) 

Course Description and Goals:

Introduction to the theory and implement of groundwater flow and mass transport modeling techniques, including selection, calibration, and optimization of parameters. Derive and solve finite difference/finite element expressions for multi-dimensional groundwater flow/mass transport systems. Emphasize on using popular commercial software for groundwater modeling.

Schedule Type:  

Lecture notes and the oral presentation of key concepts followed by problem-solving. 

Course Schedule (subject to change):

Modeling overview

Mathematics review

Groundwater flow

Finite difference method

Error, convergence, stability

Introduction to MODFLOW