Special Topics on Stable Isotope Ecology

Lecturer: Chia-Hui Wang (王佳惠)

Email: chwang99@ntou.edu.tw 

Phone: 02-2462-2192#5029 



Course ID: M31013LC

Credits: 3

Course Prerequisites: General Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry 

Course Description and Goals:

The course will introduce the principle of stable isotope analysis, and the applications on ecological studies.

1. Introduction; 2. Isotope Notation and Measurement; 3. Using Stable Isotope Tracers; 4. Isotope Chi; 5. Mixing; 6. Isotope Additions; 7. Fractionation; 8. Scanning the Future

Schedule Type:  Lecture and student presentations 

Course Schedule (subject to change):

See textbook outline and along with selected paper reading.