Special Topics in Regulation of Gene Expression

Lecturer: Pin-Wen Chiou (邱品文)

Email:   ppchiou@mail.ntou.edu.tw 

Phone:  02-24622192 分機 5215 

Webpage: aqua.ntou.edu.tw/p/412-1003-8981.php?Lang=zh-tw 

Course ID: M300139K

Credits: 2

Course Prerequisites: None

Course Description and Goals:

Introducing the concept of regulation of cell-type-specific, developmental stage-specific and disease specific gene expression, and exposing students to primary literature information.

Schedule Type:  In-class lecturing and discussions. 

Course Schedule (subject to change):

Week 1: Basis of Life: the Principle of supramolecular assembly of biologically important macromolecules;

Week 2: Levels of gene control in multi-cellular organisms;

Week 3: Gene, genomics and structure of chromatin;

Week 4-5: The epigenome: role of chromatin structure in regulation of gene expression;

Week 6: Control of gene expression at the transcriptional level;

Week 7: Control of gene expression at the post-transcriptional level;

Week 8-9: Cellular signal transduction pathways leading to regulation of gene expression;

Week 10-11: Special examples of control of gene expression in (a) embryonic development, (b) tissue specificity, (c) cancer development, and (d) other human diseases;

Week 12: Conclusions and future prospects.