Commercially Sterile Packaged Foods

Lecturer: Pei-Ting Chuang (莊培梃 )


Phone:  (02)2462-2192#5173


Course ID: M02014J1

Credits: 3

Course Prerequisites:  None

Course Description and Goals:

It was recognized that an increased number of outbreaks of illness in the world were associated with processed foods illustrating the danger of assuming that foods are free of pathogens simply because they are processed and packaged. It is important to understand the principles behind food processing operations and avoid food spoilage. The goal of this course is to provide the necessary knowledge about long-term preservation of packaged food. 

Schedule Type:  PowerPoint Slides 

Course Schedule (subject to change):

1. introduction, overview, administrative regulation, microbiology of commercially sterile packaged foods 

2. acidified foods, process authority, thermal processing principles 

3. thermal process design 

4. protocol for heat penetration studies 

5. temperature distribution tests 

6. temperature distribution protocol 

7. process verification and validation 

8. evaluation of process deviations 

9. midterm exam 

10. spoilage analysis 

11. process room instrumentation, equipment and operation 

12. records and record keeping 

13. still retorts–pressure processing in steam, processing with overpressure, crateless retorts 

14. hydrostatic retorts, agitating continuous retorts, agitating batch retorts 

15. aseptic processing and packaging 

16. food container handling, closures for metal containers, closures for glass containers 17. closures for semirigid and flexible containers, sanitation of the processing environment 

18. final report