Special Topics air-sea interactions

Lecturer: Yu-Chun Lin (林幼淳)

Email: yuchlin@email.ntou.edu.tw

Phone: 02-2462-2192 # 6311

Webpage: https://mei.ntou.edu.tw/p/404-1079-83037.php?Lang=zh-tw 

Course ID: D81015E5

Credits: 3

Objective: This course will introduce the interactions and connections between the ocean and atmosphere that includes the ocean temperature and salinity, eddy, surface gravity waves, chlorophyll-a, typhoon, monsoon, and even the fish catch in different spatial and temporal scales. Students will learn the skills of journal reading, oral presentation, and the distributions and variations of multiple oceanic and atmospheric variables.

Course Prerequisites: Oceanography


1. Journal reading, explanation, and discussion of large-scale air-sea interaction. 

2. Journal reading, explanation, and discussion of meso-scale air-sea interaction. 

3. Journal reading, explanation, and discussion of small-scale air-sea interaction. 

4. Journal reading, explanation, and discussion of inter-scale air-sea interaction. 

5. Journal reading, explanation, and discussion related to tropical cyclones. 

6. Journal reading, explanation, and discussion of environmental variables related to the ocean and atmosphere. 

7. Explanation and discussion to related numerical models.

Teaching Method:  

1. textbook materials, power-point slides, & actual practice. 

2. homework assignment


1. Air-Sea Interaction: Laws and Mechanisms by G.T. Csanady (English) Hardcover Boo 

2. Related & qualified peer review paper

Course Schedule (subject to change):  

One Chapter or 1-2 papers each week

Evaluation:  Participation 70%, Final Report 30%.