(Rec Autumn)

Area of Learning (AoLE)   - LLC

The Story of The 3 Little  Pigs

We received a message from a Little Pig asking if we could help him.  He sounded very scared!

My Movie 1.MOV

We agreed to help the Little Pigs. Feeling big, brave and strong we went on a 'Wolf' hunt!

We found lots of clues to suggest that a Wolf had been around!

We made straw, stick and brick houses for our classroom display. we enjoyed painting and adding straw and sticks for realistic effect.

We made our own 2d stick houses using sticks we had collected from the nature area.

We had lots of fun creating our own 3d houses out of lego, blocks and clicks.

My Movie 2.MOV

We huffed and puffed but we couldn't blow the houses down!


We tried and tried but they stood standing!


We had fun drawing pigs on the whiteboard

Mena used the cards to sequence the story and then used them to draw  the story in her book.  Well done Mena.

We drew a map of the nature area for the Little Pigs. We marked the spots where we found the houses of straw and sticks!

Our Second Story was The Little Red Hen.

We received a mysterious box with the story book in it and a few other things!

We were very surprised to receive a big box.  When we looked inside it was  full of ingredients !  But who  had sent them and what could we make out of them?

It was hard work kneading this dough!

We loved the story of the Little Red Hen and enjoyed using the puppets to re-ell it to the children in our class

The bread was delicious!

The third story we covered was Goldilocks & The 3 Bears

We made our own porridge.  

Then we had a choice of toppings - Honey, banana, blueberries or syrup.  Guess which was our favourite topping?

First we added porridge to the bowl. Next we poured in some milk and then we stirred it lots, We put it in the microwave to cook and then we added our favourite porridge topping.  Just like goldilocks, we thought It was yummy and ate it all.

Goldilocks sent us a recipe on how to make porridge playdough.  It was very sticky!

We decided to turn our role play area into The 3 Bears Cottage. We made some adjustments to the roof and movedf the furniture around and hey presto we had a very cosy cottage.