Zero Beat 09 2017

Mid-South Amateur Radio Association

Next meeting

Thursday, September 7, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.

Short meeting and dinner at

Patrick’s, 4972 Park (near Mendenhall)

See the web page for a detailed map to the police precinct meeting place.

Members and spouses are invited to Patrick’s for fellowship, short meeting, and dinner. Hope you can come!

Silent Key

Denise Ganucheau, KJ5DG, lost her fight with cancer. She died late July after cancer surgery. We have not received any information except she left her body to Science.

New Repeater

900 MHz Motorola Qunantar repeater, is up and running!

Please try to use the repeater and check it out!

Thank you

Pat Lane, thank you for the earthquake program and information at our last meeting!


Our club received a Certificate for Field Day from the American Red Cross for being “Red Cross Ready”. The Red Cross Disaster Services Technology acknowledged us for demonstrating the capabilities of Amateur Radio to work in less than optimal conditions - and using emergency power! Great Work and thanks to all of you that attended and participated.


Good trip to Huntsville, sold items from two different estates. We collected $154 for the club. Attendance was very good and we bought too much stuff!

NEXT MEETING: September 7, 2017, at 6 PM

Patrick’s, 4972 Park (near Mendenhall)