Zero Beat 01 2016

Mid-South Amateur Radio Association

Next meeting

Thursday Jan 7, 2016

7:00 pm at the Police Precinct

We will be at the police precinct for our January meeting. The precinct is at 6850 Appling Farms Pky.

Happy New Year to all !!!!

January Meeting

The January meeting is to discuss 2016 planning and approve a working budget. All need to come and give input and comments. Nothing is set in stone except FreeFest which must be done a year in advance. If you have an idea for a program or activity we need to hear about it. We would like to try some new and unusual things this year.


We are working on two more estates. One is a definite and one is in the advance stages. The definite one has some older but good equipment. The second one needs us to complete an inventory and make some arrangements.

As usual we will make these available to club members first at pretty good prices. Make sure your dues for 2016 are current.

2016 Dues

Please pay your dues for 2016. We need these to support our activities. There is a membership application on the web page. If there have been any changes in your status please fill one of these out and send it in with your dues. Art Barnett is the treasurer and official dues collector and it best to give it directly to him or mail it into our mailbox.

Church Clean out

St. James Catholic Church has been great letting us store a ton of stuff at the church but we need to clean it out by summer of this year. The church would like to finish out the large room and make a meeting room out of it but we currently have a lot of stuff stored in there that needs to come out. We will still have use of the room for meetings if we need it but the stored stuff must be out for the work to start. If you have contacts with other clubs we have several repeaters available at deep discount prices. Please let us know if anyone has interest.

Jackson Ms. Hamfest

The Jackson Ms. Hamfest is January 29 & 30. We will be going down on Friday around noon and coming back Saturday afternoon before dark. We will be taking the van and have 6 going now but still have room for a couple more. If you’re interested let me know.