Dec 2010
Mid-South Amateur Radio Association – Club Meeting Minutes December 16, 2010
Location: Coletta's Restaurant, 2850 Appling Road, Memphis, TN 38133
*** Annual MARA Christmas party ***
Attendance: President Lance Morris (N4GMT), Vice-President Tony Brignole (WA4KHN),
Treasurer John Parish (KD4EUZ).
Membership attendance approx. 40.
Welcome: by Lance; opening prayer by Ray Ware (KJ4DUE)
Dispensed with reading of the minutes from previous club meeting and Treasurer’s report until the first club meeting in January 2011.
Meeting will be held at the regular location: Northeast Police Precinct (Appling Farms Station) 6850 Whitten Bend Cove, Memphis, TN 38133 on the third Thursday, January 20, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.Thanks to Jeff Kloek (KI4NDR) for securing this meeting location through 2011.
The budget will be the first subject, as well as FreeFest, and ideas for good quality programs of interest to the membership throughout the year.
End-of-Year Notes:
Thanks to Lance and Tony, and all the 2010 officers and Board members for providing the leadership and their time and service to the club.
Tony has renewed the web page domain name for two years.
The club's Kenwood TS-850S has been completely repaired and will be a great radio for Field Day.
One of the R-75 receivers is being sold on e-Bay, and the other one with its original box could be a main prize for FreeFest.
FREEFEST will be donating to LeBonheur again this year. Will need some quality prizes to promote ticket sales. FREEFEST is Saturday April 9, 2011, at the same location:
Bartlett Station Municipal Center
5868 Stage Road, Bartlett, TN 38134
(North side of Stage Road just west of Bartlett Blvd., behind the library)
The annual Christmas party was, again this year, a fun and successful get-together with great fellowship, decorations, lots of Christmas spirit, conversation, food and gifts for everyone.
Respectfully submitted by Linda Ware (KJ4ELL)