Zero Beat Sept 2013

Mid-South Amateur Radio Association

Please Note New Meeting Date Change to First Thursday

Next meeting is an “Eating Meeting”

Thursday September 5,

6:00 pm

September Meeting.

The September meeting will be an “Eating Meeting” at Patrick’s. Patrick’s is on the North West Corner of Park and Mendenhall [4972 Park]. Since it is an eating meeting we will start a little earlier than normal. Meeting will be short without much serious business. Patrick’s has an extensive menu and you can order whatever you like. Spouses and guests are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Visit website for directions and menu:

The October meeting will be at the new pool clubhouse at my subdivision at 2417 Lacosta in Bartlett. The subject is not determined at this time.

We have to be out of the precinct for September . , October. , and November because of Police training. The pool clubhouse is reserved for November but since it is Open Air we are working on an alternative meeting place for November since it could be too cold.

Huntsville Hamfest.

Hope all had a good time at Huntsville. Several of us went over to sell some junk and replenish our supply of worthless junk. My garage junk level was getting kind of low and I could see the floor in several places so I needed to fill it up again. We were loaded to the gills and Lance Morris said we looked like the Clampets. See photo.

Yes; it did scrape several times on the payment!! Despite the heavy load we made it over and back without running out of gas or any other serious mechanical problems.

6 Meter Repeater Status.

The new 6 meter repeater is on the air at LeBonheur. It is on 53.450 MHz with a tone of 107.2. The antenna has very low gain close to unity. I hit it from south east Bartlett with 18 watts and get a return signal of about 20 over S-9. I have a 6 meter Ringo up about 25 feet above grade level. Give it a try and let us know how it works. Thanks to all who helped install it.

Estate Items for Sale

We still have two very large Mosley beams from estates that need a home. These are serious large beams. The beams appear to be CL-36-M. If you are interested please contact one of us and let us know. The price to club members is in the $225 range so “The Price is Right”!!!!


We still have MARA patches. You can put them on anything you like. Shirts, hats, jackets etc. Members get one free. Additional ones are $4.00 each.

New Van

I have been “chasing” vans and I finally caught one. I bought a 1995 Ford Club Wagon on the Government auction. Roger Schlichter and I went to Mobile to pick it up.

It is in pretty good condition and has been well taken care of. It seats 6 very comfortably and if I can find an additional seat it can hold a couple more. Plan is to use it to go to hamfests. It has tons of room with nearly 7 feet from the back of the third seat to the rear doors.

I am not sure of what type of communications equipment I am going to install. I am considering a couple sections of tower and a 2 meter repeater vs. a typical mobile unit.