Apr 2010

Northeast Police Precinct (Appling Farms Station)

15 April 2010

1900. President Lance Morris N4GMT opened the meeting, and started introductions of attendees. Treasurer John Parrish KD4EUZ gave his report, which was moved, seconded and voted accepted.

VP Tony Brignole WA4KHN: Non-profit software consortium ordering time is coming. An example is $25 for Windows 7 Ultimate! It will be handled by Randy. He is working 1600 to 2400, and can't attend our meeting. At the next meeting, we'll have the order form.

1910. A program idea from Keith Price WA5LPW's survey results, was the programs on electronic concepts. Four or five, no more than ten, to talk about this. It should have possibilities for hands on stuff, for demonstrations. Perhaps we could invite home schooled children, to get some young blood.

1920. VP Tony continues: FreeFest 2010 thoughts. Rate a 6 or 7 of 10, should have been an 8 or 9. Attendance was about 350. Don't know for 2009, 2008 was about 500. Vendors has a 100% lock on their space, and want to come back. Prizes were the best bunch we had in a while. We bought some from Memphis Amateur as they closed. Much came in late. Kept admission free, so nobody could gripe.

Renting the Bartlett Center. The building was $650, and $250 for the extra hours to load in and load out. $1035 was raised for Le Bonheur.

Peope who worked at Freefest, can ride motorcoach free to Huntsville Hamfest.

1944. Ham Hilliard W4GHM's program, a MARS presentation for the Huxtable Cross-band operation.

2007. Meeting adjourned.