Zero Beat 06 2015

Mid-South Amateur Radio Association

Next meeting

Thursday June 4, 2015 7:00 pm

Northeast Police Precinct

Our next meeting will be back at the police Precinct at 6850 Whitten Bend CV. A map is on the web site.

Meeting Details

Our guest speaker this month will be Tom Medline W5KUB. Tom will talk about his live broadcasts of hamfests and special events and his weekly web seminar on Tuesday nights at 8 pm. Tom’s live broadcasts from Dayton have become world famous and his broadcasts from FreeFest have helped promote our local hamfest. This year at FreeFest we did a live on line interview with Kurdish hams in Turkey.


Dayton was again great fun. The weather was pretty good and we only got a couple spots of rain. For the most part we got home with less than we brought which was my goal. Lance bought an 18 ft Stationmaster® type antenna for 220 MHz and Roger secured it under the van along with much cussing as the van doesn’t have roof racks. We will be looking around for some cheap roof racks for the van.

Several of us bought the new Yaesu Fusion mobile units FTM-400DR. We are working on setting these up and testing them out. They have a lot of capability and menus and we are getting use to them.

The club also bought the new Wires X interface. HRI-200. The new interface is capable of handling the C4FM digital signals as well as the older analog signals.

The new fusion repeater is ready to go and we are just waiting on some reasonable decent weather to put it in service on LeBonheur. For testing it will replace the 444.175 to see how it performs in a side by side comparison with the Kenwood. Experienced smart money says it won’t perform as well.

Field Day

Field Day is June Sat June 27 and Sun June 28 at the clubhouse at 2417 Lacosta where we were last year. Hopefully the weather will be better this year than last. We will gladly forgo the monsoon rains we had last year. More will be coming shortly but it should be very similar to what we did last year. We will cater most of the meals like we did last year. Watch your emails for information.

There will be no July meeting because it follows Field Day so close. Field Day will be the July meeting