Aug 2013

MARA Minutes from August 1, 2013 Meeting

Meeting was at Police Precinct. Meeting started at 7:01

Had 20 present. Including all board members except Kanschat on business trip, 2 guests.

President Foster asked for acceptance of minutes as posted on web;

Motion by Martin

2nd by Banks

Treasurer Report by John Parish

Motion by Ganucheau

2nd by Savage

Parish mentioned that he was waiting for current tax exempt form from state and expected it any day.

Parish also had Field Day total expense of $472.53. We also thanked Rick Kanschat and LeBonheur for the generous donation as we used left over food items donated to FreeFest.

VP Schlichter asked if group liked St. James as site. Majority though it was excellent and would go back. We have possibility to use it again next year as well as club house. We can decide later next year.

Danny Banks needs volunteers for:

Tour deCollierville - August 31 - needs about 10

Bluff City Blues - October 5 - Needs about 5-6

Foster mentioned the MS-150 and needs about 20-25 each day

Mentioned Huntsville Hamfest is Aug 17 &18 and still seats on bus.

Mentioned the upcoming 6 meter repeater set up Saturday at LeBonheur weather permitting. [editors note] it is now up and going great. Details next month Z Beat.

Mentioned inventory and upcoming planning meeting.

Short 15 minute break at 7:21 pm.

Had Power Point Presentation on Twin Tower Project by Brignole.

Had drawing for prizes brought by John Parish. Winners were:

David Allen

John Cummings

Danny Banks

Motion to Adjourn at 8:18 by Schlichter; second by Banks