Zero Beat Apr 2013
Mid-South Amateur Radio Association
Please Note New Meeting Date Change to First Thursday
Next Meeting is Thursday, April 4, 2013
The April meeting will be at the Police Precinct at 6850 Whitten Bend Cove. Map and directions are on the web site.
Meeting Topic – FreeFest
FreeFest is Saturday April 13 and the topic this month will be all about FreeFest.
FreeFest Status
We are completely full inside and have been turning people away for about 3 weeks. I overbooked inside and had to pinch some folks and squeeze an extra table in to accommodate them.. Several who could not get inside have gone to the Flea Market and it is filling up fast. If you need or want a table outside you better speak up quick!!! I will bring a list of the folks who have tables and the layout to the meeting.
FreeFest Publicity
Notice was sent out to all the local media and we have had excellent response. There is a major 1/4 page article on page 3 of this weeks issue [March 28] of the Bartlett Express. Thanks to Kim Steele for the coverage. Kim Odom at the Commercial Appeal Bartlett Cordova issue sent a reply saying that she would include some coverage and Austen Onek has put it on his blog. I am sure Austen will mention it on the air. We also will be on David Saks radio show again on Saturday night April 6, on WUMR. I believe the show starts art 9 pm. Kim Steele says she will attend with a photographer if at all possible. I recommended 11 am to 1 pm when the crowd is at peak.
Still need a few. We need 2-3 more to watch the doors Saturday from 7 am to 9am to point folks to tables. We could use a few more to help folks load in. Friday at 1 pm we will assemble to cover tables, mark spots, and lay down electrical cords etc. If you can help come out. Also tear down from 3-5 pm on Saturday is also a big manpower hog. We need to help folks load out and do a general clean up of building. We will try to save as much cardboard as we can for next year.
Reports are that sales are going well. If you have sold all your tickets and would like to turn them in bring them to the meeting. If haven’t sold them all yet, then try to sell them and bring them to FreeFest and turn them in Saturday. It is too difficult to turn them in piecemeal. If you have sold your tickets and need more we will have them at the meeting. Time is getting short so please try to sell as many as you can. Remember it is for LeBonheur.