09-2014 Minutes

MARA Minutes from September 4, 2014

Meeting at the Pool Clubhouse

28 members present including all board members

President Foster called meeting to order at 7:22 pm

Had Pizza delivered and folks had pizza first and then started with meeting.

Went around room with identifications

Minutes per website, Motion to accept by Thannum, 2nd by Munday; accepted by acclamation

Treasurer report per Kanschat Motion to accept [????] accepted by acclamation

Menitoned repeater status and that we had bought two new VHF continuous duty amps for $700+ shipping for two. Had one on hand for display.

Mentioned that October meeting would be at Pool Clubhouse and November would be a restaurant. Told folks to stay tuned for more into.

Mentioned that November meeting would be elections with brief meeting at a restaurant. Told folks to stay tuned for more info.

Mentioned that Tennessee QSO party is Sunday the UHF/VHF is the next weekend [Nebo]

Had short break from 7:30 the about 7:45;

Program by Brignole

Demonstrated one of new Kenwood repeaters along with duplexers and new amps. Talked about output power and future plans for LeBonheur.

Drew for Prizes

Winners were Stone, Rubin, Wray, Munday, Thannum, Martin, Cummings, Tobin, WB4IQV

Motion to adjourn at 8:20 by Krause, 2nd by Martin, accepted by acclamation.