Sep 2013

MARA Minutes from September 5, 2013 Meeting

Meeting was an “Eating Meeting” at Patrick’s Restaurant at Park and Mendenhall.

Meeting started at 620 pm.

Had 29 present. Including all board members except Rubin who was working. 29 included 2 guests

President Foster reminded everybody to sign in on sheet and then went around room with introductions.

Welcomed new member Art Barnett KA4ESS.

President Foster mentioned that all who had paid dues were entitled to a free patch and they could see John Parish to get it. Additional patches are $4.

President Foster asked for acceptance of minutes as posted on web;

Motion by Rick Kanschat

2nd by Jeff Krause

Treasurer Report by John Parish

Motion by Barri Munday

2nd by Michael Knight

Solicited ideas for October program. Meeting will be at Pool Club House at Country Club estates.

Parish had tax exempt sheet from state and gave the President and Secretary copies.

Solicited anyone who may be interested in running for office in 2014.

Reminded all that we still had 2 large beams from estate sale. Looked to be Mosley Cl-36.

Christmas is 1st Thursday in December at Coletta’s – regular meeting day.

Jeff Krause asked about plans to climb KNO tower to work on repeater antennas. Foster reported we were working on scheduling it.

Motion to adjourn around 6:35 pm

Mary Brignole made motion

Rick Kanschat second.