JAN 2012

Mid-South Amateur Radio Association - Club Meeting Minutes January 5, 2012

Location: Northeast Police Precinct (Appling Farms Parkway) 6850 Whitten Bend Cove, Memphis, TN 38133

Attendance: President Dennis Foster (KJ4BDU), Vice-President Roger Schlichter (WR4R), Secretary Linda Ware (KJ4ELL), Treasurer John Parish (KD4EUZ),

Board members: Tony Brignole (WA4KHN), Lance Morris (N4GMT), Ned Savage (KA4BLL), Danny Banks (KJ4FXZ). Total membership attendance approx. 32.

Welcome: Meeting called to order by Dennis at 7:00 p.m. Thanks to everyone for making it out to our first meeting of 2012. Introductions; introductory comments. Minutes from previous club meeting motioned (Lance N4GMT), seconded (Roger WR4R), and accepted as posted on MARA website. Printed copies of previous month’s minutes and Treasurer’s report are always available at sign-in table. Treasurer's report (through December 31, 2011) read by John Parish, motioned (Randy W4RMV), seconded (Ham W4GMM), and accepted by attending membership (viva voce).

Announcements: Special announcement by Dean (KJ4WOY):

It is an extraordinary opportunity and privilege for me to introduce Pat Lane, W4OQG, as the newly appointed Tennessee Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) by the newly elected Tennessee ARRL Section Manager, Keith Miller, N9DGK. Pat will oversee Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) operations throughout the state, maximizing the capabilities of the dedicated members, Emergency Coordinators (EC), District Emergency Coordinators (DEC), their assistants and Assistant Section Emergency Coordinators (ASEC) of the ARES organization by coordinating their activities, exercises and training. I look forward to serving with him.

John Parish (KD4EUZ) provided an array of back issues of SERA Repeater Journal and repeater directories – free to everyone.

Joe (WA4OVO) announced the new Extra license class beginning January 14th through February 25, 2012, six Saturdays with the exception of January 28, which is the Jackson, MS hamfest weekend. Contact for more information or to register for class: wa4ovo@arrl.net.

Old Business: Tony gave club Treasurer a check for finalized e-Bay sale of equipment.

New Business:

FREEFEST update by Tony (WA4KHN) - We sent out e-mail notices to list of ARRL affiliated clubs and past vendors and have received very good response again this year. At this time we're 91% committed on table space (6 tables left). FREEFEST is April 14th, 2012, the Saturday after Easter. We need a “talk-in” person for the event, and can really use some extra help this year.

SOFTWARE ORDER for MARA paid members was presented and order forms distributed by Randy Van Voorhis (W4RMV) with general discussion and Q&A. The plan is to turn in the final order at the March meeting. Contact Randy with any further questions at: randy@markseven.com.

Request made by Denise Ganucheau (KJ5DG) to research cost/advantages of adding Officers & Directors coverage to the club’s current liability insurance policy.

Program: Planning and Budget 2012.

Suggestions for meetings: (Due to precinct scheduling, September through December meetings will be off-site)

Program on lightning protection by Roger (WR4R), planned for February meeting

Net & Traffic Handling combined with Field Day Operations

FREEFEST planning, equipment, scheduling, timing, social event the Friday night before

Field Day is the last full weekend in June, and will serve as our July meeting

Field Trip: suggestions are LeBonheur, Fire Museum (any suggestions are welcome)

“Eating Meeting” at local restaurant, as Patrick’s was a good experience last October

November at the club house combined meeting with elections

Equipment testing session

December Christmas party at Coletta’s

Presentation of MARA 2012 Budget by Dennis (KJ4BDU); group discussion line by line of all items, followed by extensive Q&A. Focus will be on FREEFEST and Tony will be handling this major undertaking, coordination, events and will be providing updates on a steady basis. All help and support by the whole club is greatly appreciated.

Acceptance of the 2012 budget was motioned by Randy (W4RMV), seconded by Ham (W4GMM), and accepted by attending membership.

Motion to adjourn by Randy (W4RMV), seconded by Danny (KJ4FXZ) and adjourned by Dennis (KJ4BDU) at 8:20 p.m.

Notes: Army MARS is back in the WinLink system as of today.

Nina Stone (WB4CHH) is the winner of the QSO party from last September. Pat Lane (W4OQG) came in second (he was driving!).

Collection of club dues, along with membership renewal forms for newest information.

Membership cards to John Parish for laminating and distribution to paid members at next meeting.

Next meeting will be at regular location at Police precinct on February 2, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Secretary Linda Ware (KJ4ELL)