Minutes 03 2016

Minutes from 3-3-2016 Meeting

Met a Police Precinct

?? Attended need number from Art

Called to order at 7:07 pm by President Dennis Foster - Introductions around room

Motion to accept minutes and treasurers report as posted on web. Lance Morris Motion, J Wray 2nd, by acclamation.

Mentioned Skywarn training March 22 at 6865 Poplar at 7 pm and also 6-24 & 25

Ken Laseter gave presentation on proposed Field in Germantown. Mentioned that it would be in Germantown and Fire Department would fund the building and provide support. Laseter Said that Germantown would handle publicity and be spokesman for the event. Foster said it sounded good, but was club member decision and we would decide later. He also advised that Shelby County would provide communications van. Discussion about how to feed public and Germantown officials. Foster noted it could be costly. Laseter also mentioned that Germantown was more supportive of hams then Collierville or Bartlett or other suburbs. Only drawback was there was a horse show at the arena that weekend and we would be downwind of it. Foster mentioned that hams were used to horseshit and this should not be an issue. Morris made motion to go to Germantown pending official invitation and Savage 2nd accepted by acclamation.

Only Delta board has received official invitation at this time and will take it to meeting next Tuesday night [editors note – club agreed to do Germantown].

Break of about 15 minutes

Trivia contest by Rick Tillman. Some hard squirrely questions

Winner was Lowenthal of $25 Lowe’s gift card.

Foster mentioned nets the 82 net and Elmer net.

Adjourned at 8:20pm

Treasurer Report for March