Jun 2010
Northeast Police Precinct (Appling Farms Station)
17 June 2010
1900. President Lance Morris N4GMT opened the meeting, and began introductions of attendees. Del Earnheart AJ4EM presented May minutes for the absent secretary John Cummings N4BKN, and they were accepted as read (copies were available at meeting).
Treasurer John Parrish KD4EUZ gave his detailed report. There were no questions, and Ham Hilliard W4GMM moved the report be accepted as read. A second was heard, and President Lance called for a vote―ayes have it.
President Lance explaineded a $574 line item for a ICOM synthesized UHF with a Z-com controller (with shipping, as seen on ebay). We have a matching VHF repeater in service.
Field Day setup, involving clean up of the empty rooms. Pat Lane W4OQG reports we should bring several card tables, or other collapsing tables. It will be quieter in the Mediaflow room. Plenty of room for antennas. Pat invited John KD4EUZ to employ his lawn tractor in advance of antenna setup. Lance N4GMT offered his lawn tractor, if a trailer were available. Per Pat, antenna setup can begin Friday at 1300. Tony Brignole WA4KHN has a more suitable, portable generator than the 200 and 400 KW models Pat has on site. Lance has a portable generator, also. Existing MARS antennas qualify for use, per Pat.
Sign up sheets for operating times are available tonight. Satellite operation discussed. Public relations? We plan to operate 2A. The shop vac may be useful for de-bugging, can pull up floor tiles.
Randy VanVoorhis W4RMV answered questions about Microsoft products, available for purchase. If you have 64 bit Vista, you upgrade to 64 bit Windows 7. Windows 7 can upgrade from Vista Home. No more Outlook Express, use Vista Windows Mail. Microsoft Service Assurance permits upgrades. We can buy six titles over two years, up to 50 licenses each. Turn in orders and money to Treasurer John, the order goes in Monday June 28.
Joe Lowenthall WA4OVO announced the motorcoach trip to the Huntsville Hamfest. Get your money in by June 28, it's $45. Then it's $50 until July 20; after that, it goes up to $60.
President Lance received a motion to end the meeting. A second was heard, and no nays were heard (affirmative only).
1935. Meeting adjourned.