Minutes 06 2016

There will be no minutes for July as Field Day serves as out July meeting.

MARA meeting minutes, June 2nd, 2016

Club president Dennis Foster, KJ4BDU, called the meeting to order at 7pm.

Introductions were made by name and call sign.

Lance Morris, N4GMT, moved to accept the treasurer's report and prior meeting minutes. Bob Vawter, KW4RJ, seconded; both items were approved by acclamation.

Pat Lane, W4OQG, called for 13 or 14 hams to volunteer for the June 18th Tour de Peddler event to support the Diabetes Association. Pat needs volunteers for operators, rovers, and a SAG truck. Please contact Pat if you wish to help.

Rick Tillman, WA4NVM, and Bill Stevens, WC9S, spoke on preparations for Field Day, June 25th and 26th.

Dennis presented a slide show on the Dayton hamfest. Dennis captured an image of MARA members Ron Rubin, K3RON, and Janet Souza, W3JLS, now living in Pennsylvania; their generous check pushed MARA's 2016 contribution to Le Bonheur over the $4,000 mark. Dennis included a photo of the Knight's Inn, where MARA members stayed at Dayton, but unfortunately the image did not show the stylish blue tarps which covered part of the roof. Another of Dennis' images was either the front of the inn or a location damaged by a tornado; viewers were not sure which was the case.

Roger Schlichter, WR4R, moved to adjourn, seconded by Pat Tobin, KJ4SEI.