Feb 2012

Mid-South Amateur Radio Association - Club Meeting Minutes February 2, 2012

Location: Northeast Police Precinct (Appling Farms Parkway) 6850 Whitten Bend Cove, Memphis, TN 38133

Attendance: President Dennis Foster (KJ4BDU), Vice-President Roger Schlichter (WR4R), Secretary Linda Ware (KJ4ELL), Treasurer John Parish (KD4EUZ), Board members: Tony Brignole (WA4KHN), Lance Morris (N4GMT), Ned Savage (KA4BLL), Danny Banks (KJ4FXZ). Total membership attendance approx. 33.

Welcome: Meeting called to order by Dennis at 7:00 p.m. Thanks to everyone for making it out. Introductions; introductory comments. Minutes from previous club meeting motioned (Lance N4GMT), seconded (Jeff AJ4GY), and accepted as posted on MARA website. Printed copies of previous month’s minutes and Treasurer’s report are always available at sign-in table. Treasurer's report (December 31, 2011 through January 31, 2012) read by John Parish, motioned (Ham W4GMM), seconded (Richard K4DXF), and accepted by attending membership (viva voce).

Announcements: Discussion of the Jackson Hamfest (January 28th).

Danny (KJ4FXZ) announced that more batteries won’t be available until after FreeFest.

Old Business: SOFTWARE ORDERS for MARA paid members will be turned in at the March meeting. Orders can be accepted at this meeting and held by John Parish. Contact Randy Van Voorhis (W4RMV) with any further questions at: randy@markseven.com. The prepaid orders are expected to come in for distribution to members at the May meeting.

New Business:

FREEFEST update by Tony (WA4KHN) - At this time we're 100% committed on table space inside with waiting list. Still have some outside space left. We need a “talk-in” person for the event, and can really use some extra help this year. Start gathering the cardboard we use to cover the tables. Prizes are starting to come in and we can use any donation that you can spare. It does not need to be expensive. Remember all proceeds are going to LeBonheur Children’s Hospital. So far we have an iPAD, 32 inch LCD TV, two excellent 2 meter mobile rigs, and $100 gift certificates to Bass Pro, and Restaurant Iris (just voted Best in Memphis 4th year). Working on the layout.

FREEFEST is April 14th, 2012, the Saturday after Easter. This is the Delta Division Convention and we are still working on some type of Friday night event and you all will be invited. It will be at the clubhouse.

Program: Lightning Protection and Grounding Systems by Roger Schlichter (WR4R)

Roger made a fun and attention-getting presentation of a very serious topic. Excellent. The more you invest wisely, the better. Lots of Q&A and comments throughout.

Motion to adjourn by Ham (W4GMM), seconded by Lance (N4GMT) and adjourned by Dennis (KJ4BDU) at 8:40 p.m.


Membership cards distributed by John Parish to paid members.

Next meeting will be at regular location at Police precinct on March 1, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Secretary Linda Ware (KJ4ELL)