May 2013

Mid-South Amateur Radio Association – Club Meeting Minutes May 2, 2013

Meeting called to order at 7:01 pm at Police precinct.

18 people attended. Including all 7 board members

Minutes - motion to accept by Kanschat 2nd by Krause

Treasurer report – motion to accept by Morris, 2nd by Savage

No new business

Announcement about fox hunt on Saturday May 4 at 3 pm. Meeting place is behind Back Yard Burger at Stage and Whitten.

Announced Field Day will be at the old school building at St. James Catholic Church at 4189 Leroy by the old Radio store. We will have a clean up inspection day after Dayton so all can see it and get some generalized plans for antennas.

Schlichter “ragged Foster’s ass” about patches. Foster and Kanschat reported working on patches Brignole suggested we find a tattoo artist and have tattoo applied. Brignole also suggested that Schlichter try some Haley’s M-O.

Rubin suggested that we have testing session on Saturday at Field Day. Bill Stevens says he can sober up enough examiners to do testing. We will set up test session and advertise it in our announcements and press releases.

Short break - 10 minute.

Roger Schlichter gave an excellent presentation on transmission lines and some basics that needed to be covered. Lots of discussion. Schlichter also had several handouts comparing losses in various types of coaxial transmission lines.

Schlichter suggested that we put presentation and data on web site. Brignole will look at site and see what is involved in making a page space for it.

Had a prize drawing at after presentation;

Barri Munday, Bill Stevens, and Lance Morris were winners.

Motion to adjourn at 8:18 pm by Krause, 2nd by Morris.