Jan 2010

Northeast Police Precinct (Appling Farms Station)

21 January 2010

The membership meeting was opened by President Lance Morris N4GMT at 1901. Introductions of attendees followed. We heard the report of Treasurer John Parrish KD4EUZ, which was moved, seconded and voted accepted. No minutes were recorded at the December 17 Christmas party meeting. The November minutes were accepted as posted on the web site.

From VP Tony Brignole WA4KHN: Get the word out on Freefest 2010. There will be no mailing, no vendor or sponsor is willing to cover the cost. Mention it to everyone, especially on air. There will be loading in, 0700-0900 on 10 April 2010. It's all over at 1530.

Don't forget the Jackson, MS Capitol Hamfest starting Friday evening, 31 January and continuing 1 February.

Field Day will be held at WKNO-DT/FM. Pat Lane W4OQG reports the analog television transmitter room is QUIET.

From Joe Lowenthall WA4OVO: A Technician class in February, on Monday nights. Mostly for TSA people, to qualify as tech or general for MARS.

From Henry Leggette WD4Q: The new ARRL website is to go live on 3 February. There's good report about FCC rules part 97.113 there now.

Memphis Amateur Electronics is closing down. Some small parts, and small drawers are free, available now.

From Ham Hilliard W4GHN: The Huxtable cross-band operation for Armed Forces Day is before Mothers' Day, on May 7 & 8.

Presentation: 2m J-pole antenna construction 1935-1954. It ended with several ladder line questions.

Ray Ware (KJ4DUE) was named the new manager of MARA's weekly Elmer Net on Mondays at 9:00 p.m. on the 147.030 repeater.

2000. A motion was made to adjourn, and seconded. It passed.