Zero Beat July 2013

Mid-South Amateur Radio Association

Please Note New Meeting Date Change to First Thursday

Note: No July Meeting - Field Day was July Meeting.

The August meeting will be at the Police Precinct at 6850 Whitten Bend Cove. Map and directions are on the web site.

Please note: our next meeting will be back at the police precinct in August. Watch for details.

Field Day was a great success. Some Statistics

140 CW contacts

303 Phone Contacts

6 meter band opening Sunday – contacts all up and down east coast and Texas –Spectacular

Over 80 folks attended.

6 folks took tests and all passed.

We are working on total cost but because of food left over from FreeFest, total cost is estimated to be in the $500 to $600 range. This is one of the least expensive Field Days in recent times. Costs include a donation of $200 to the church to run the 2 20 ton air conditioning units for the 2 days required. There is a demand charge and a run charge involved.

Deepest thanks to Dennis, Lance, Roger, John, and all the folks who helped clean up prior to Field Day to help get the place ready. The big room had been abandoned for over 2 years and whatever was in the carpet we took up in the large hall would “gag a maggot”. Thanks to Mary, Michael, Jeff, who worked during Field Day and thanks to all those who brought such good deserts. Thank goodness they were all low calorie. My July weight in at Weight Watchers nearly killed me.

Any comments or suggestions on Field Day would be appreciated. One eternal issue is contest nature. Do we want to have fun or is it a contest. Let us know what you think.

The August meeting is on Thursday August 1. I am going to New Orleans the week before so if the newsletter is late – tough!!!!