Oct 2011
Mid-South Amateur Radio Association - Club Meeting Minutes October 20, 2011
Location: Patrick’s Restaurant, 4972 Park Avenue (at Mt. Moriah). Many thanks to Mike Miller, who is the current president of the Memphis Restaurant Association and owner of Patrick’s, for graciously making the room available to the club.
Attendance: President Tony Brignole (WA4KHN), Vice President Del Earnheart (AJ4EM), Secretary Linda Ware (KJ4ELL), Treasurer John Parish (KD4EUZ). Attendance: approx 30.
Welcome: Meeting called to order by Tony at 6:35 p.m. Introductions skipped in noisy room.
Minutes for previous meeting posted on MARA website (maraonline.org) and printed copies, along with Treasurer’s Report available at secretary’s table. Motioned (Dennis KJ4BDU), seconded (Ned KA4BLL), and accepted as posted by attending membership. Treasurer's Report (September 15 through October 20, 2011) read by Treasurer, John Parish (KD4EUZ). Motioned (Del AJ4EM), seconded (Ray KJ4DUE), and accepted as read (viva voce).
Old Business: MARA meetings at the Northeast Police Precinct are confirmed for the first Thursday of each month, starting January 5th, 2012 - January through August. The precinct is not available for us during the months of September, October, November, and the Christmas party is December. Alternate location for those meetings will be announced.
This year’s Christmas party is officially booked for December 8th 2011 at Coletta’s at 6:30 p.m. Please begin collecting items for the gift exchange (don’t have to be ham-related), $10 range. There is a sign-up sheet, please sign up for the head count. The sheet also will be available at the next meeting.
We have been approved by the ARRL Executive Committee for the Delta Division Convention; Glen Clayton, Tennessee Section Manager, has approved MARA to host the Tennessee Section annual meeting. We will need a lot of membership participation for the additional work involved hosting this event – at freefest, April 14, 2012, and possibly a social event the night before.
New Business: There will be more discussion about freefest at the next meeting. John Parish will be taking membership renewal forms and dues. Forms are available online and at meeting. Please take the time to fill in the membership renewal form to keep our club records and contact information up to date.
Tony has a Micor 100w repeater with duplexer from the “real” secret service in his driveway. Used back in the 1980s. Let Tony know if you’re interested in it or want more info.
Slate of MARA Officers introduced for 2012 as follows:
Mary Brignole (KA4OAW) is present and taking nominations tonight if anyone else wants to volunteer to run for office. Elections will be held at the November meeting.
Announcements: Still need volunteers for Saturday, December 3rd 2011. St. Jude Marathon, contact Roger wr4r@bellsouth.net. Bartlett Christmas Parade, contact Dennis kj4bdu@arrl.net.
Program:.There is no program other than enjoying friends, fellowship, and good food at this October “eating meeting.”
Notes: November meeting will be held at the clubhouse at the 7:00 p.m. regular time. 2417 Lacosta Drive, Bartlett, TN 38134. Meetings at Northeast Police Precinct (Appling Farms Parkway) 6850 Whitten Bend Cove, Memphis, TN 38133 will resume January 2012. For maps to clubhouse and precinct, click on “meeting locations” on website. www.maraonline.org.
Motion to close (Randy W4RMV), seconded (Dennis KJ4BDU), adjourned by Tony (WA4KHN) at 6:48 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Secretary Linda Ware (KJ4ELL)