Old Fashioned Homemade Lemonade

1 1/2 cups fresh lemon juice (I used Melissa’s Meyer lemons*)

1 cup Sugar

4 cups Water, divided

Make simple syrup by placing 1 cup sugar and 1 cup water into a medium sauce pan. Bring to a boil over medium/high heat, stirring occasionally until sugar is completely dissolved. Set aside to cool.

Add lemon juice and simple syrup to pitcher. Stir to blend. Add remaining 3 cups water, and stir until well mixed. Refrigerate at least 1 hour to chill. Pour into a tall glass (I like these) and enjoy! Garnish as you see fit.

If you’d like to make pink lemonade for the kids, stir in a half cup of maraschino cherry juice, and garnish with some cherries.

*Meyer lemons are sweeter than regular lemons and will give your lemonade an excellent taste. I highly recommend using these whenever you make a sweet drink.