friday takeout

July 1, 2022

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • "One Last Hurrah for National Dairy Month in Northeast Iowa" story shares news on last week's Breakfast on the Farm event at Iowa's Dairy Center ... KOEL-AM news

  • Getting Ahead: College and Career Connection student, Nick Dietzenbach, earns NICC college credits and enrolls in US Naval Academy ... news

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Rain Didn't Stop Enthusiastic Turnout for Breakfast on the Farm Last Weekend!

Even with the rain, the 12th Annual of Breakfast on the Farm served 1,193 people, a new record. For more than half of community members, this event was their first time attending according to a survey.

“Whether you spent time volunteering, made a donation or helped us prepare in any way possible, the Northeast Iowa Dairy & Agriculture Foundation and Iowa’s Dairy Center are so grateful for you!” said Mariah Busta, Dairy Center Coordinator and Northeast Iowa Dairy & Agriculture Foundation. “Together, we connected the community to agriculture and couldn't have done it without your help.”

Based on event survey data, visitors left the event with positive impressions of agriculture:

  • 98 percent of visitors left with a very positive/positive opinion on the way modern dairy farms protect the environment

  • 98 percent of visitors left with a very positive/positive opinion on the way dairy farmers take care of dairy cattle

  • 97 percent of visitors left with a very positive/positive opinion of modern dairy farms

  • 100 percent of visitors rated Breakfast on the Farm as excellent or good


Kara and Piper, our Green Iowa AmeriCorps Sustainability Coordinators, will be bringing us regular facts and tips to green your life and make it more sustainable. This week's feature is written by Jessie Joyner, our new summer environmental steward.

Energy Savings = Cost Savings for NICC:

Throughout the College's construction projects in Peosta and Calmar, the Operations team has prioritized energy efficiency upgrades, including LED lighting installation, exterior wall insulation, window upgrades and systems updates that lower the overall energy use of the campus. In Max Clark Hall on the Calmar campus alone, these changes have resulted in an annual energy savings of $13,131 for the College - it pays to save energy! Special thanks to the campus Operations and Construction teams for helping our cCllege lower its energy usage. You too can reap these benefits by checking out rebate offerings from your local utility like Allamakee Clayton Electric Cooperative, Alliant, Butler County REC or MiEnergy.

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Erin Henneberry

Customer Service Assistant, Business and Community Solutions
Town Clock Business Center | Dubuque

At what point in life did you have the realization you had become your parent(s)?

I have now started to get excited when it rains because then I won't have to water all of the plants that we have acquired around our house.

Do you have a dream vacation you want to take someday when the timing, money or circumstances allow?

I have always wanted to go by train to Washington State, rent a car and drive down the coast to California, then drive to the Grand Canyon and then Vegas, seeing all the sites in between. Then fly from Vegas to home. I need more vacation time and to save lots of money for this, so this will be on the bucket list for a bit yet.

Do animals dream and what would they dream about?

Yes they dream, I am convinced my dogs dream about chasing bunnies and birds or the occasional four-wheeler that drives past our house.

Do you go out after holidays and purchase candy when it’s on sale?

If you aren't getting Reese's eggs or Reese's trees or Reese's pumpkins after they go on sale, then I am not sure we can be friends. Just kidding. That means more for me :)

What is your favorite thing to do to unwind after a busy workday or week?

Three perfect options:

  1. Sit in the hot tub and stare at the stars (you might see a few shooting stars)

  2. Lay on a blanket in the backyard and again stare at the stars

  3. Sit around the firepit and lean back in my chair and, you guessed it, look up at the stars.

There is something so peaceful about being outside in the dark and looking up into the vast sky above. Plus it's fun to watch the planes and satellites move overhead.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!