friday takeout

June 4, 2021

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • Check out the College's new cluster video series, created by Team Gold. These videos are being used to recruit new students. This video features our Education cluster ... video

  • Melissa Klein Eron, Agriculture Sales and Service '05, has opened up the barn on her farm in Stevens Point, Wis., to host weddings and receptions for area couples! ... WAOW-TV news broadcast

  • FACULTY AND STAFF: Stay up-to-date on the College's Strategic Plan and Tracking document in NICC Shared Files!

Note: The Friday Takeout has started its every-other-week summer schedule. The next issue will be released on June 18.

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Nursing Alumna and Clinical Instructor Named to 100 Great Iowa Nurses List!

Nichole McKenzie, Associate Degree Nursing ‘11, was named to the 100 Great Iowa Nurses list this spring! Nichole is a one of the College’s adjunct clinical faculty members who teaches OB clinicals at Waverly Health Center. The nonprofit group "100 Great Nurses" celebrated its 17th year in 2021 with a virtual ceremony due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Receiving the honor "really reminds me I am exactly where I should be in my career, and doing what my heart really loves doing and I have a passion for. It is nice to hear that from other people too," Nichole said.

In her teaching role at Waverly Health Center, she shares the important lessons she has learned with the next generation of nursing professionals. "Just really having to go the extra mile in all aspects of being it; wanting to better yourself for yourself, better yourself for your patients, have a better understanding of why we do things. There's a lot of opportunity for nurses to try to take that extra step and it's just if you're willing to do that. You’ve got to have that kind of heart and the drive to want to be above and beyond, and I feel like that's what makes those nurses special," she said.

Nominations were submitted by colleagues, patients, doctors, friends and family members. A panel of reviewers of nursing professionals and previous honorees narrowed the nominees down to the final 100.

WELLNESS 360 | be well.

Pandemic Response Team Update

The Pandemic Response Team (PRT) recently announced a change to the College's face coverings policy. Join the PRT as they discuss the new guidance and recommendations recently announced and how NICC plans to move forward the coming months. This will be recorded for those unable to attend.

When: June 10, 2021, 1 p.m. CST


Password: 184120

Join by phone:

+1 646 876 9923 or +1 301 715 8592 US Toll

Meeting ID: 971 4208 8313


Kara and Nick, our Green Iowa AmeriCorps Sustainability Coordinators, will be bringing us regular facts and tips to green your life and make it more sustainable.

Skip the overnight shipping!

With eight out of 10 Americans shopping online, we can all make better choices to reduce our impact on the planet. There is no need to stop shopping online. Actually, shopping online might have a smaller impact than physically driving to the store. However, before you choose the 'Next Day' or '2-Day' delivery option, consider if you NEED that toothpaste or new shirt in two days. Avoiding the temptation to try on clothes and return them online will also help reduce our footprint. These slight alterations eventually add up, resulting in fewer delivery trucks on the road, resulting in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Watch this Climate Lab video to learn more!

JUST DESSERTS | let's celebrate.

Welcome World!

Missy Elsbernd and family welcomed a new baby girl! Aubrey Jo was born on May 17 at 6:59 p.m. Missy serves as Associate Director of Grants and Compliance at the College.

Congratulations to the entire Elsbernd family!

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Russell Bahl

Testing Technician | Dubuque Center

When you were growing up, what game or activity did you absolutely dread playing, and why?

When I was young, my older brothers would play a game on hot summer days that I absolutely loathed. You may not have heard of it before, as it's quite obscure, but it was called "Pretend Russ is a Rock All Day and Ignore Everything He Says and Does." To this day, I still don't understand what they saw in that game. Personally, I always found the experience to be boring and extremely frustrating.

What is the age in your life that stands out as the most memorable, and why?

Today (not due to memory loss). The old me constantly looked to fond memories of the past; I suppose I was just in search of simpler times. Today, I strive to distance myself from that way of thinking. It's not that I am running from the past, in fact, I wouldn't change a thing. My mindset now is that every day we have on this "mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam" is an absolute miracle. Keep learning. Keep helping. Keep living.

If you could start all over again, what would be your career choice?

If you couldn't tell from the Carl Sagan quote above, I like astronomy, so that would likely be my do-over career. A few years ago, in a backwards kind of way, I nearly found myself achieving that dream. Prior to coming to NICC, I worked in the laser/electro-optic field, mostly within the medical device arena. That, however, didn't stop me from applying with the Keck Observatory multiple times in hopes of making a transition to something I was passionate about. After many unsuccessful attempts, I eventually broke through a few years ago, and was flown out to Hawaii to interview for a job working on the Adaptive Optic & Laser Guide Star Systems on the twin telescopes. In short, these systems allow astronomers to produce images from Earth-based telescopes at a level of quality that was previously only achievable by space-based telescopes such as Hubble. Really cool stuff.

It was between me and one other candidate, and that person ended up getting the job, but I'm at peace with that. They did create a new position a few months later and asked me to apply, but in all honesty, and in the spirit of transparency and vanquishing stigmas, I had FINALLY begun addressing decades-long brain health issues, so I decided not to apply. Will I always have the dreaded "What if?" lodged in the back of my brain? Of course I will, but at least I won't be working at nearly 14,000 ft. above sea level on top of a volcano every day. Island paradise or not, there's snow and limited oxygen up there!

Give your colleagues a suggestion: what are 1, 2, or 3 of your favorite smart phone apps?

SkyView. Have I mentioned that I like astronomy?

Coolest personal SkyView story: I'm at a friend's house in Dubuque and their son, who was five years old at the time, was playing with my newly downloaded SkyView app. He asked, "what's that?" so I crouch down to see what he's looking at on the screen and see that it's the International Space Station (ISS). So, we all looked up and, sure enough, there it was ... whizzing by in Low Earth Orbit at 17,130 mph and, lucky for us, in a position where we could see the sunlight reflecting off it. That was the first of many times I've been able to see the ISS with the naked eye, thanks to SkyView, and the inquisitive mind of a five-year-old, who is now a total science nut in the second grade.

SkyView is free, but I totally bought the upgraded version for a couple bucks that shows much more, including all the old rocket bodies and such that we've littered our orbit with.

If you could choose one cartoon character to be your best friend, what character would you choose?

Scooby Doo. I've never been so certain in my life that someone would "get me." Scoob would. Guaranteed.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!