friday takeout

July 13, 2018

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

Oelwein Daily Register publishes positive news story on the College's Sept. 11 bond levy continuance ballot measure ... news

Gateway to Technology camps at Manchester Center sparks kids' creativity and ingenuity ... news

Dementia Summit 3.0 scheduled for Aug. 23! The event shares research and strategies for both healthcare providers and non-professional caregivers ... news

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Conversation Corner

With the start of a new academic and fiscal year, we are taking the opportunity to refresh our strategic business planning process. There will be significant opportunities for engagement in keeping our College nimble and ready to anticipate and respond to the learning needs of our students and communities. Also, read about a more efficient course waitlist process, recent assessment effort kudos, the great work by our Grants team and a statewide honor given to faculty member Sue Troy.

David Dahms l Vice President of Finance and Administration

Wendy Knight | Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness and Advancement

Wendy Mihm-Herold, Ph.D. | Vice President of Business and Community Solutions

Kathleen Nacos-Burds, Ph.D. l Vice President of Learning and Student Success

Rhonda Seibert l Associate Vice President of Operations

See this month's update!

Agenda and Packet: Board of Trustees July 16, 2018 meeting

APPETIZERS | just a little something.

Questions We May Encounter about the College's Bond Levy Continuation Vote

Q: Why extend the current bond levy instead of raising student tuition?

A: Northeast Iowa Community College’s only sources of revenue are state aid, property taxes, tuition, gifts to the College and grants to support our mission. We have raised tuition. As good stewards of resources and public tax support, we believe that maintaining affordable tuition and fees for our students is integral to our mission as a community college. Raising tuition alone would place a significant financial burden on our students, and the revenue generated would not be enough to fund these comprehensive renovations.

See other informational documents about the Sept. 11 bond levy vote:

My Drive > NICC Shared Files > President > 2018 Bond Levy Renewal

More information about the bond levy campaign is available from Julie Wurtzel at the Calmar campus,, or Barb O'Hea, at

You may also send any questions or comments you have to!

JUST DESSERTS | let's celebrate.

Congratulations on Earning Your Four-year Degree!

DeKote'-Kenzie Curtin, Waukon Center administrative assistant, completed her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Purdue University on June 26! DeKote' is a 2014 graduate of Waukon High School and attended Northeast Iowa Community College to complete general education credits. Purdue University's B.S. in Business Administration degree is 100 percent online.

WELLNESS 360 | be well.

Random Health Fact Friday!

Random Fact #1

Boy, it’s hot out there! Solution? Have a warm cup of tea! According to a study from School of Human Kinetics at University of Ottawa, it’s best to drink something hotter than your body temperature when you want to cool off. Why? Drinking something warm triggers a sweat response, and sweat helps cools our bodies!

Random Fact #2

A study published in Frontiers in Microbiology analyzed banknotes (think money) collected in 15 hospitals and metro stations around Hong Kong. The findings revealed paper money is great at harboring hundreds of microorganisms. U.S. currency is approximately 75% cotton and 25% linen, which offers a soft environment where microbes can settle; and this porous surface is actually pretty good at “holding onto germs.” Your mother was right: wash your hands after handling money!

Random Fact #3

Don’t throw away your trusty old pens, pencils and paper! Research from Indiana University on memory reveals that you’re more likely to remember something if you hand write it, rather than type. Taking notes by hand requires different cognitive processes than typing. It takes longer than typing, which requires us to listen, process and summarize.

Random Fact #4

Aaachoooeeeee! Molecules from a human sneeze can travel upwards of a 100 MPH. The molecules go from 0 to 60 MPH faster than any sports car on the market. The only animals recorded as faster than the fastest sneeze are peregrine falcons, golden eagles, white-throated needletails and Mexican free-tailed bats. And if you don’t cover your mouth, expect the spray to land between five to 30-foot radius from your mouth!

Random Fact # 5

The National Institute of Health estimates that 75 percent of Americans don’t drink enough water. We often associate being dehydrated with fatigue, headaches, dry mouth and dry skin; however, did you know that dehydration can cause pain in your back? This is because our vertebrae are surrounded by fluid that helps cushion and protect the spine. Think of the fluid acting as a shock absorber. When there’s not enough water in the body, the fluid doesn’t function as it should, which can result in more stress on your spine. The culmination of this wear and tear can lead to swelling, pain, bulging or rupture in the disc’s outer shell.

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Bob Kennedy

CIS Technical Support | Town Clock Business Center

What is the favorite part of your job or workday at the College?

I create the images for all the PC's and Laptops college-wide; I enjoy creating something from nothing. (An image is like a "snapshot" of the device saved in time; if something goes wrong, you can always go back the that "snapshot" like nothing happened)

Do you believe that more technology in the classroom or in the world is helping students learn?

Absolutely; in today's world, technology is a must. As a leader in college education we must have the latest technology equipment and software not only to compete with other educational facilities, but to also prepare our students for the real world.

What is something you have done that would surprise others who never knew?

Impacted by events that happened to me as a child, I started to use drugs to take away the emotional pain. I even tried committing suicide (Thank God, I wasn’t successful). I was then introduced to a 12-step program which literally saved my life. Now I love life and live to help others with drug and alcohol issues. I also have the opportunity to go into the Dubuque County Jail and sit with inmates in their cells to let them know that they can stop using and find a new way of life free from the pain of the past, with hope for the future. It worked for me, and it can work for them.

What can the College do to better prepare students to be productive members of society prepared to work with and respect individuals from diverse cultural, economic and social backgrounds?

One way is to have an educational panel on addiction available to everyone wishing to gain knowledge and to also make that mandatory for all staff and faculty; knowledge is key.

If I had a wish list for Northeast Iowa Community College, what would I wish for?

Currently if you work in Dubuque, you have to pay about $55 a month to park in the ramp which is right next to the College, park about three to four blocks away in free parking or walk to work. Maybe NICC could contact Dubuque to see about parking discounts.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!