friday takeout

March 6, 2020

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • Radiologic Technology student, Samantha Stevens, selected to represent Iowa at national conference! .... news

  • Alumnus Zach Burke featured in Inspire(d) Driftless magazine, sharing his love for growing up on the farm and graduating from the John Deere TECH program at Calmar ... link (story pgs. 56-58)

  • Northeast Iowa Community College program helps high school student conquer dyslexia ... feature

  • College and Business and Community Solutions division releases 2nd Quarter Outcomes report ... link

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

College Delegation Talks with State Legislators about Opportunity Dubuque Child Care Assistance Program

Northeast Iowa Community College leaders and students visited Des Moines this Tuesday to participate in the Community College Day on the Hill event. The College highlighted its new Child Care Assistance initiative, developed in partnership with Opportunity Dubuque, that is designed to expand child care options in the Dubuque area and remove an obstacle that prevents many individuals from completing career training and education. Community College Day on the Hill offered the College and its many Child Care Assistance partners an opportunity to show how other Iowa communities can replicate this successful initiative.

Pictured in the photo are, left to right: Dr. Wee, Trustee David Schueller, Iowa Representative Chuck Isenhart, Randi Jo Rettenmaier (student), Board of Trustees President Dr. Ken Reimer, Nikea Bennett (student) and her daughter Autumn, and Wendy Mihm-Herold, Vice President of Business and Community Solutions. The students and their families spoke to legislators about the Child Care Assistance and its benefit to the local workforce. More photos.

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

Two Standout Students Named to 2020 All-Iowa Phi Theta Kappa Academic Team!

Two Northeast Iowa Community College students, Laura Vander Ploeg and Susan Whitcher, were recognized on Monday as new members of the All-Iowa Phi Theta Kappa Academic Team this year. Laura is an Associate Degree of Nursing student, and Susan is enrolled in the Graphic Design program. They were among 80 students from Iowa's 15 community colleges honored in Des Moines for their academic excellence.

The mission of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society is to recognize academic achievement of college students and to provide opportunities for them to grow as scholars and leaders.

Pictured in photo, front row: Laura Vander Ploeg and Susan Whitcher; back row: Dr. Wee, Dean of Nursing Sue Schneider and Vice President of Learning and Student Success Kathy Nacos-Burds.

Another Reason to Exercise: Rezults Driven Fitness Celebrates its Second Year Anniversary in March!

Our neighbor and fitness partner at the Calmar campus, Rezults Driven Fitness, is celebrating its second anniversary this month. Denner Holdings, consisting of Terry, Teri and Ryan Denner, with the help of multiple area businesses, began construction in summer 2017 and finished the fitness/apartment facility in March 2018. The Denners purchased the approximately 1.3-acre parcel of land from the College in May 2017.

The business is located at 401 Campus Drive and features 2,000 square-feet of space on its ground floor and apartments in the second level of the building. Rezults Driven Fitness is open to the public 24 hours a day, offering several membership packages.

To celebrate their anniversary, community members are welcome to workout for free on Saturday, March 7, from 8 a.m. - noon. Current members who refer a new member will earn two free weeks of membership and receive a free water bottle. New members who sign up for a six-month membership or more will also receive two extra membership weeks and a water bottle. Visit for more info!

PIES and BARS | sweet data.

Analyze Trends! Get the Data You Need with our New Data Request Form

The Institutional Research Data Request Form (DRF) has undergone a facelift and is now available through Etrieve or Employee eForms. If you haven't had a need or the chance to use it, you may not know what the DRF is! The DRF is your ticket to any kind of student data you need. Whether your objective is to track your goals, launch a new initiative, learn about trends, find out where the performance or outcome gaps are, or determine the effectiveness of that last change you implemented, the DRF is a powerful tool available to all of you from Lor Miller and Brandon Kadlec in Institutional Research (IR)! You can request detailed student enrollment data, looking at specific indicators, and analyze their impact. For example, you may want to know whether students who take the College Experience course in their first term are more likely to be retained than those who defer enrollment in that course to a later term. Or, you may want to examine graduation rates by math placement score, or program completion rates by gender and age. The sky is the limit!

To access the DFR, click on "Employee eForms" in My Campus, and then under "Forms," scroll down to Institutional Research where you will see the Data Request Form. Explore the new and expanded request form in Etrieve and test it out by submitting an easy request! Although IR publishes several enrollment reports in NICC

Shared Files, you likely have detailed questions that relate specifically to your department's initiatives and things you are trying to measure. Let us help you! If you get stuck, call Lor (ext. 1203) or Brandon (ext. 1419) at Calmar.

WELLNESS 360 | be well.

What's on Tap: March 2020

The Wellness Challenge Vision 2020 runs through March 8. If you are participating, be ready to submit your tracking sheet on Monday, March 9, to be eligible for prizes. There will be another Challenge starting in late March - April.

Wellness Book Club - Interested in joining a group of coworkers to talk about a wellness-themed book, documentary or podcast?

Lunch and Learn Health & Wellness in Tanzania - RSVP Here! - Join Luther College senior and NICC wellness intern, Rachel Schunder, to discuss health and wellness in Tanzania. This past January Rachel studied culture and sustainability in Tanzania and is excited to discuss her experiences and perspectives as a health promotion major. I (Flannery) actually went on the same trip during my time at Luther, so I’ll chime in too! Snack provided.

Presentation is on Tuesday, March 17, from 11:30 a.m. – Noon or 12:15-12:45 p.m., in Wilder 104. Please let me know if you'd like to join from Zoom via desktop/laptop.

Run for the Troops Relay! Let's put together an NICC team for the upcoming Run for the Troops Marathon Relay in Dubuque. Consider it your excuse to start training today! Legs range from approximately 3.5 to 7 miles. Communications instructor, Jake Krapfl, is running the full marathon, so nothing like a little friendly competition to throw it down against Jake! The first 12 NICC employees to commit will not have to pay.

CSA Program - info to be released soon! Looking into options for Peosta/Dubuque.

Keep in mind you can check out all the current happenings and wellness resources on the NICC Wellness Website. I hope to see you at an upcoming event!

Be well,


BIG FISH | be amazed.

Marilee Mai

Cosmetology Instructor | Calmar Campus

When you were growing up, what game or activity did you absolutely dread playing, and why?

The game I absolutely disliked growing up, which my mom made me play (I did not realize was not a game until later in life) was called the “Resting Game.” Every day during the summer, our small town of New Hampton had a Noon siren to let everyone know it was lunch time and a 1 p.m. siren to let everyone know it was time to go back to work. I was happy to hear the Noon siren because I knew my dad would be home to eat lunch with me. When the second siren went off, I had to run as fast as I could to rest in my bed and eventually take a nap. I remember crying when I heard the second siren. What I wouldn't give a 1 p.m. siren at NICC now!

When you retire, and assuming you have enough money to do so, what is one cause you would give to because you are passionate about its mission and purpose?

When I retire, I want to help “one person at a time” in need. My desire is to use my talents by keeping the Italian proverb in mind, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for his lifetime.” Much of the time, I see, hear and read about big pictures of assistance. I would like to narrow the snapshot and start with one success at a time and build from there.

During your career at Northeast Iowa Community College, what is the nicest thing that ever happened to you, or someone did for you?

The nicest thing that happened to me was a colleague who did not judge me by the situation. She knows who she is; thank you from the bottom of my heart. It is very hard under certain conditions to not be judgmental of someone and when “she” validated the non-judgment, I felt vindicated and a loyal friendship developed.

Name one country or region in the world you have never visited that you someday want to visit, serve or spend a vacation?

Recently, as a gift from my oldest son, I had my DNA tested. I discovered I am of the Czech descent (for sure). I have a passion for cooking and baking. My grandmothers, along with my mother, were awesome cooks. Growing up, I enjoyed numerous great meals from German and Czech ancestry. I would love to experience the areas of Czechia, Slovakia and Poland and be able to learn to cook and bake with the locals.

If you had one million dollars to build anything you wanted, what would you build and why?

If I had one million dollars I would build an Academy of Life. It would be a simple place where someone could learn soft skills and daily survival techniques. A setting of no judgment; just learning made fun with the hope of paying it forward. For instance, demonstrating and teaching fundamental skills such as: hygiene, manners, cooking, cleaning, swimming, budgeting, networking, etc.

Why swimming? Swimming is a skill taken for granted and it has always been on the top of my list. Growing up, my mother was scared to death of the water and experiencing her fears made swimming become a priority of mine. I helped others to overcome their fear of the water by teaching swimming lessons. All of my children were swimming in 10 feet of water by the time they were five years old and now my husband swims as well. Water can be empowering, healing and soothing for the soul when fear is eliminated.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!