friday takeout

March 22, 2019

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • Northeast Iowa Community College student volunteers return from week-long service trip in Nashville, Tenn ... video

  • Dan Bellrichard, owner of Sogo Snacks in Decorah, is among 37 Iowans participating in Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses ... news

  • Emma Tan, a junior at West Central High School in Maynard, joined the NICC delegation participating in the Community Colleges on the Hill event in Des Moines ... news

  • Ag students come home with two national titles at the National PAS Competition in Loveland, Colo. Students from the Dairy Science, Beef Science, Large Animal Vet Technician and John Deere TECH programs competed ... news

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Board of Trustees Honor Carrie Klein, 2019 All-USA Academic Scholar and 2019 New Century Transfer Pathway Scholar

The Board of Trustees recognized Carrie Klein, Practical Nursing student, at its meeting on Monday. Carrie received two of nation’s top scholarships recognizing outstanding academic achievement among college students! She is one of 20 students in the nation to be named to the All-USA Academic Team and will receive a $5,000 scholarship. The All-USA program is widely recognized as the most prestigious academic honor for students attending associate’s degree-granting institutions. Carrie was also named a 2019 New Century Transfer Pathway Scholar, receiving an additional $2,250 scholarship. New Century Transfer Pathway Scholars are selected based on their academic accomplishments, leadership activities and how well they extend their intellectual talents beyond the classroom.

JUST DESSERTS | let's celebrate.

Welcome to Northeast Iowa Community College!

Normand Racicot is a new full-time Construction Manager for the district. Normand will coordinate, plan and lead the College's bond levy renovations and construction projects.

WELLNESS 360 and GREEN CORNER | be well.

Wellness Spotlight: Cindy Virta, Director of TRIO-SSS, Peosta

Why is wellness and health important to you?

My health and wellness are important to me because this is the only body I get! I want to keep it strong so that I can keep doing all the activities I enjoy (like biking, dancing, backpacking, roller skating, cross country skiing, weightlifting, and kickboxing).

If you’re comfortable, could you elaborate on your decision to be vegan?

I would say I'm 90 percent vegan; in that, I don't worry too much about it when I travel so I can try local favorite foods. I decided to eat a plant based diet for ethical reasons. What are your favorite things to eat? If you want some great vegan recipes, "Oh How She Glows," has some excellent recipes! My favorite thing to eat has to be a black bean and onion burrito with homemade guacamole and salsa.

I hear you instruct fitness classes in Dubuque. What do you teach?

I teach kickboxing and weightlifting classes at Farrell's Extreme Body Challenge (FXB). It's so fun and I found out I burn as many calories teaching as I do working out! I would love to teach these types of classes at NICC. Maybe with the remodel we could have a room with mirrors and mats!

Do you have any advice for others who might be intimidated to try something new?

Don't be scared! Be confident in who you are and give that new activity your best shot! Find fitness activities that you think are fun! And quit judging your body negatively. At FXB, there are so many people with different body types and everyone is just having fun getting sweaty together! My advice is to just give things a try! Do it at least once if you have an interest. I took a free Salsa lesson last week and had so much fun! You don't have to be the fastest or the fittest; you just have to show up and do your best!

Do you have a motto that you try and live by? If so, what is it? I'm Finnish so I believe having sisu would be my motto. It roughly translates to having determination and courage. Find your inner sisu!

Know someone who inspires others to be well? Submit a Wellness Spotlight Nomination.

Green Corner:

If you’re like me, you’re probably in the midst of spring cleaning; finally opening windows to allow the breeze to chase away winter dust bunnies.

Using green cleaning products can be a great solution to help reduce water pollution, air pollution, climate change and ozone depletion. It can also save you money: try the age-old baking soda and vinegar solution (¼ cup of baking soda, ½ cup of vinegar, and 8 cups of water) to remove scum in your sinks, etc.

If you’re looking for safe and eco-friendly cleaning products, check out the Environmental Working Group (EWG) Cleaner Guides. You might be surprised at what makes a good grade and what does not. Some industries are pretty sneaky at greenwashing, a practice that makes misleading claims about the environmental benefits of a product, service, technology or company practice.

Our household favorite is ECOS All-Purpose Cleaner, Parsley Plus. It ranks a “B” on the EWG, is truly all-purpose and smells amazing.

PIES and BARS | sweet data

Fall 2018 to Spring 2019 Retention and First Term Performance Data Snapshot

In fall 2018, 78 percent of the 521 entering students who were enrolled in a degree program returned in spring 2019. Student retention is one of the main challenges for postsecondary institutions, in part due to student mobility. Mobility aside, one thing we know from prior retention data is that the early weeks and months are the most critical for getting students off to a good start and laying the groundwork for retention. The fall to spring retention for students who completed more than 50 percent of their fall 2018 credits was 88 percent (vs 78 percent overall)! Success builds upon success. If we look more closely at the demographics and retention of those who completed less than 50 percent of their fall credits, we discover that:

  • Females are more likely to return (40 percent) than males (17 percent)
  • Pell-eligible students are more likely to return (36 percent) than those not Pell-eligible (25 percent)
  • Students with a documented disability, although their numbers are few (11 out of the 95 entering students who completed less than 50 percent of their fall 2018 credits), are more likely to return (58%) than those without a disability (27%)

The College prides itself on meeting student needs. The

challenge may be to develop new ways of reaching those students whose needs do not emerge during the enrollment and registration process. In addition to making welcoming "Care Calls,” can we find creative ways to reach and support all students, whether their need is brought to light or not?

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Christina Schreiber

Business and Community Solutions Operations Program Manager | Dubuque

What gets you excited about the mission of Northeast Iowa Community College?

That we give students the opportunity to be successful even if they do not believe in themselves. We can assist students to get back on their feet with funding and help along the way with our certificate Programs. They gain confidence and self-worth with the certificate in their hand.

Which of the following aspects of your upbringing most contributed in shaping the person you came to be and why/how? (e.g., geography, physical environment (farm, city, housing), community, socio-economic status, religion, or individuals most responsible for your care.)

I grew up in a small town community that rallied around everyone in times of celebration or need. I love to help in any way I can and very rarely say no. Also, growing up in a large family, everybody was expected to pitch in when something needed to get done.

Which of the six College values do you most identify with and why?

Service: I am a doer; I love to help whenever anything needs to get done. I am a very active and busy person and always have been. I get it from being a part of a large family because there is never a dull moment.

What is your spirit animal and why?

A gray wolf. Because I am a great team player, valuing partnership and cooperation above all. Gray wolves are loyal creatures, and I pride myself on being loyal to all people I come in contact with. As a pack, gray wolves develop strong social bonds and work together, and I think I do just the same as the gray wolf in my position at Northeast Iowa Community College,

What was your favorite cartoon/comic/book growing up?

My favorite cartoon was “Doug.”

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!