friday takeout

September 7, 2018

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

Dr. Wee participated in a radio interview on Aug. 15 to promote the beginning of the fall semester and to share information about Sept. 11 Bond Levy Continuation vote ... KVIK broadcast

Meet our Fall Alumni Shining Star: Rylynn McQuillen, owner of Fig Leaf boutique in Dubuque! ... feature

Good news for students, staff members and Peosta business employees: Regional Transit Authority (RTA) piloting new bus route from Dubuque to Peosta campus, and sufficient ridership will make the bus service sustainable ... KCRG-TV story

For Rahkee Norman, Construction Technology graduate, building his successful business is a dream come true ... feature

Your input is welcome: Third Party Comments sought ahead of nursing accreditation visit to College ...

900+ community members visit Calmar campus to celebrate the beginning of fall semester 2018 ... Fall Fest photos

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Dr. Wee and the College Presented Mayor of City of Handan with Special Gift

Dr. Wee, with the assistance of Engineering Technology instructor Lisa Digman, made a gift for the mayor of the City of Handan, China. Lisa produced the artwork (shown at left) using one of the College's 3D printers. The City of Handan is a sister city to the City of Dubuque. The mayor paid an official visit to Dubuque on Aug. 28, and the gift was presented to him. Lisa produced another copy for Dr. Wee and the College.

Dr. Wee explained the symbolic meaning of the design to the Chinese:

  • Red is an auspicious color.
  • Circular shape represents oneness, unity, fullness.
  • Yellow is a majestic color, as a recognition of the mayor's official position.
  • The two persons holding hands formed the heart shape. This represents (1) the unity of the people of the two cities, (2) mutual affection, and (3) shared commitment and mission.
  • The Chinese characters on the left represent "City of Handan." Those on the right represent "City of Dubuque."
  • The diameter of the circle is 8 inches. "8" is considered a lucky number and it represents prosperity, good fortune, success, and growth.

APPETIZERS | just a little something.

Remember to Vote: Northeast Iowa Community College Bond Levy Continuation on Tuesday, September 11, 2018!

How would this Impact You?

The College’s $39 million bond levy measure is NOT A NEW TAX, it is a CONTINUATION of the CURRENT 28.8-cent bond and interest fund levy rate per $1,000 assessed valuation. This means a homeowner with an assessed valuation of $150,000 would only pay $1.89 a month, or about $23 a year. After application of the residential property tax rollbacks.

How will the Funds be Used?

  • to Enhance Security
  • to Update Technology
  • to Improve Infrastructure
  • to Create Collaborative and Flexible Student Learning Spaces

Voting Hours:

Noon - 8 p.m.

NICC district county auditors identified voting sites by school district. A listing of voting sites is available at Should you wish, you may vote early - please check with your county's courthouse for more information as ballots are available.

You can help spread the word on social media! Share NICC Facebook posts about the vote on your personal page!

See other informational documents about the Sept. 11 bond levy vote:

My Drive > NICC Shared Files > President > 2018 Bond Levy Renewal

More information about the bond levy campaign is available from Julie Wurtzel at the Calmar campus,, or Barb O'Hea, at

You may also send any questions or comments you have to!

JUST DESSERTS | let's celebrate.

Congratulations to the Buddenberg Family!

Michelle and Blake Buddenberg welcomed a new baby to the family, Bryson William Buddenberg, on Aug. 27 at 4:52 p.m.! Bryson was born weighing eight lbs., 12 oz., and 21 inches long. Michelle and Blake are both Northeast Iowa Community College graduates. Michelle is Administrative Assistant to Vice President of Finance and Administration at the Calmar campus.

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Andrea Barth | Nursing Faculty

Calmar Campus

Why did you choose your current profession?

My motivation to become a nurse came from my mom. She is near retirement now, but has worked in the emergency room setting in Minnesota for nearly her entire career. I chose to get involved in the field of nursing because I have a love for science and working with people. Now, as a nursing faculty member, I am able to combine my established role as a registered nurse with my passion for educating and mentoring future nurses.

What childhood experience most impacted your current set of values or your career path?

Childhood experiences where I served as a member of a team greatly impacted my confidence and abilities to strive for success. As a child, I was involved in dance, soccer, speech team and show choir. I also have been involved with raising, training and showing show horses since the age of seven. My continued involvement in the horse industry has allowed me great experiences and exposure to health and medicine.

What is something you have done that would surprise others who never knew?

In my spare time, I am also a professional horse judge. I have traveled as far as Washington State to judge horse shows.

Do you believe that more technology in the classroom or in the world is helping students learn? If yes (or “no, it isn’t”), why?

I think technology is a great supplemental tool to be utilized in the classroom. Technology has made the classroom accessible to students at home, and it allows for flexibility in learning. In the nursing role especially, it is important to remember that technology cannot take the place of stories, knowledge and experiences that can be shared face-to-face in the lab and clinical settings.

What is the most memorable moment you recall from your college or high school experience?

As part of my nursing undergraduate degree, I had the opportunity to travel to Des Moines to Blank Children's Hospital. It was an excellent learning opportunity, and the nursing staff was very welcoming to students.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!