friday takeout

September 25, 2020

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • Northeast Iowa Community College and Midwest community colleges partner with NRCS and sign national agreement on Monday, Sept. 21 ... news

  • Governor Kim Reynolds visits Iowa BIG North in New Hampton Sept. 18 and meets business leaders and NICC representatives ... photos

  • Sports Shooting team drops second meet against Iowa Lakes Community College squad ... news

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Interested in a Price Comparison?

The Tuition Saving Calculator is now live and can be found at!

This tool shows the tuition savings of attending Northeast Iowa Community College compared to four-year colleges located in Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota. It calculates the savings for two years at NICC versus two years at the specific four-year college the user compares. The tuition savings calculator will be updated annually with information provided by our Institutional Research Office for the previous academic year.

Thank you to our Webmaster, Mike White, and Lor Miller, Director of Institutional Research, for your work on this project!

WELLNESS 360 | be well.

Self-Care Tips and Inspiration

by Flannery Cerbin-Bohach, Wellness and Life Stage Program Manager

Self-Care Tip of the Week:

You’re invited to rewatch Let’s Talk about Stress hosted by Northeast Iowa Community Action Corporation (NEICAC) in partnership with Northeast Iowa Behavioral Health this past week.

The session will focus on compassion in these troubled and uncertain times while reckoning with racism and the pandemic. We hope this will be a source of encouragement to remain courageous – to stay awake, engage, listen and respond by first acknowledging and attending to our own discomforts and simply being. Participants will experience a short Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy meditation and then be invited to use art materials of their choice to respond with line, shape, color and movement to their experience of the meditation. NEICAC will also share information on additional resources and assistance for attendees.

Employee Blood Draws and Flu Shot Clinics:

Details and Registration

Peosta Campus

Dates: Wednesday, Sept. 30 and Thursday, Oct. 1

Time: 7-9 a.m., both days

Dubuque Town Business Clock Center

Date: Wednesday, Oct. 7

Time: 7-8:45 a.m.

Calmar Campus

Dates: Wednesday, Oct. 14, Friday, Oct. 16; Monday, Oct. 19; Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2020.

Time: 7-8:20 a.m., all dates

Registration is Open!

You're invited to enroll in online yoga. This is a fantastic way to relieve stress and tension and can be done from the comfort of your home.

Our next session will run Sept 29. to Nov. 19. Please see the following link for Yoga Sign Up and Details.

Read More about Self Care & Wellness Activities on the Wellness Website!

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

Celebrating National Farm Safety and Health Week 2020

This year's theme acknowledges, celebrates and uplifts America’s farmers and ranchers who have encountered many challenges over the past couple of years, yet continue to work hard to provide the food, fiber and fuel that we need. According to the 2017 Census of Agriculture, there are about 3.4 million agricultural producers in America, which is only about one percent of our population. These farmers and ranchers not only provide the essentials that we need, but they do wonderful things for their families and friends, their communities and beyond. That is why “Every Farmer Counts” and now is the time to prioritize their safety and health.

There's still time to catch two webinars today! Check out:

Safety in the Field: Addressing Workplace Sexual Harassment for Farm Workers (10 a.m. CDT)

Presenter - Knesha Rose-Davison, MPH

Discovering the Root of your Back Story: Prevention and Understanding of Back Injuries (Noon CDT)

Presenters - Dan Neenan, MBA and Linda Emanuel, RN

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Brad Noethe

Math Instructor | Dubuque Center

What is the age in your life that stands out as the most memorable, and why?

The age that stands out most to me is 18. While I was 18 I made all-state in speech, won the state title in debate, finished in the top 16 at the national tournament in debate, graduated high school, graduated with my AA degree and started tutoring. All of these really helped to solidify that I wanted to continue with communication, and in particular, teaching.

During your career at Northeast Iowa Community College, what is the nicest thing that ever happened to you, or someone did for you?

Paul Kimball went so far out of his way to make sure I felt welcomed as his office mate. He would let me know if there were students that would be interested in my help or bring in fun manipulatives to give me kinesthetic stimulation while I worked. Paul's utter sincerity and down-to-earth nature was just so wonderful.

What kid’s movie has completely scarred you for life?

I'm unsure if this classifies as a kid's movie, but Who Framed Roger Rabbit was the amalgamation of the uncanny valley, satire of an otherwise safe genre of Looney Tunes, and the horrifying cruelty of murdering a poor animated shoe that couldn't escape my mind. That fear of that poor, poor shoe as it gets lowered into The Dip ... haunts me to this day.

What is something you just realized that you are embarrassed you didn’t realize earlier?

The “little piggy” that went to market wasn't going shopping at the local grocery store :(

If you could be an Olympic athlete, in what sport would you compete?

Basketball. The sport has always been a huge passion of mine, and watching the Olympic teams over the last 20 years that we've put forward, all solid teams, has always been a joy for me. For some reason, I don't think they'd have roster space for an out-of-shape 5'10 guy with no jump shot, but one can dream.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!