friday takeout

October 9, 2020

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • In Case You Missed It: Dr. Wee provides update on this week's Higher Learning Commission visit to campus ... video

  • Chicago native, Erika Jett, finds promising future in Dubuque and with Northeast Iowa Community College ... feature

  • Sports Shooting team loses in match to Iowa Central, standout NICC athlete posts top score of 100 ... news

  • FACULTY AND STAFF: Stay up-to-date on the College's Strategic Plan and Tracking document in NICC Shared Files!

Hempstead High School Family and Consumer Science (FACS) teacher, Mariah Routley, showed off her NICC pride this week, during "College Pride Day" at the high school. Routley graduated from the College in 2007 with an associate's degree in Education before transferring to Clarke University. She continued taking classes at NICC last spring to gain her FACS endorsement.

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

You're Invited: Luther College COVID-19 Pandemic Lecture

All are welcome to attend the upcoming lecture by Dr. Michael Osterholm as part of Luther College's Farwell Distinguished Lecture, "The COVID-19 Pandemic: Stories of a Journey."

Dr. Osterholm is the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP), Distinguished Teaching Professor in the School of Public Health, a professor in the Technological Leadership Institute, College of Science and Engineering, and an adjunct professor in the Medical School, all at the University of Minnesota. During his lecture Osterholm will discuss where we have been, where we are now and where we will likely be in the next several years regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

When: Thursday, Oct. 15, from 7-8 p.m.

Where: Zoom information will be posted here 10/15

Great Renovation Progress on Main Building at Peosta!

Renovations are progressing well at Peosta. Exterior and interior structural work is continuing across the Main Building facility. Photos here include, clockwise from right: Old Conference Center entrance, the Graphic Design lab and the new southwest entrance.

See photos.

WELLNESS 360 | be well.

Self-Care Tips and Inspiration

by Flannery Cerbin-Bohach, Wellness and Life Stage Program Manager

Self-Care Tip of the Week:

Thanks to Sherry Massman who shared this great resource, the Crisis Logger, a community research initiative collecting messages from parents, educators and frontline professionals during COVID.

Inspiration of the Week:

"Our listening creates a sanctuary for the homeless parts in other people."

-Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen

Recipe of the Week:

I recently made this dish for a change from traditional coleslaw. It was tasty, and you can really play up some local ingredients that are in abundance right now.

Reminder: you can still join the Northeast Iowa Community College Employees Group on Facebook. These are places for sharing photos of your office, positive thoughts and expressions of gratitude.

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Melissa Kleinschmit

Science Instructor | Peosta Campus

When you were growing up, what game or activity did you absolutely dread playing, and why?

My brother, a year younger than me, loved playing Risk. Being the one closest in age to him, I was always the one that ended up playing against him. The games never ended and that is why I dreaded playing it.

If you could start all over again, what would be your career choice?

I probably would choose a genetic counselor. I considered genetic counseling when I was finishing up my undergraduate degree. About 10 years ago, I actually considered going back to school for genetic counseling. I even studied and retook my GRE, but in the end I decided to keep teaching and I don’t regret that decision.

Is there a book you’ve read that you love so much you’ve read it twice, or even multiple times?

I use books as a way to escape reality and tend to read YA series as my escape. I have read all the Harry Potter books a couple times and I’m waiting for my son to get a little older to introduce him to the series. I read the Wrinkle in Time series and Anne of Green Gables series every few years.

Name one country or region in the world you have never visited that you someday want to visit, serve or spend a vacation?

At the top of my list is to hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu and visit the Galapagos Islands.

If you could morph two animals to make one super animal what would you choose and why?

My kindergartner is obsessed with dinosaurs. He is always wanting to be the strongest, fastest and smartest meat eater. I would morph the Troodon and the Spinosaurus. The Troodon was probably one of the smartest dinosaurs because it had a relatively large brain for its body size. The Spinosaurus was the largest carnivore and ate both terrestrial and aquatic prey.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!