friday takeout

November 16, 2018

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

On Monday, Nov. 19, the College will induct two alumni and one retiree into the Hall of Fame at Peosta! Join your colleagues to honor these outstanding individuals for their achievements:

Tonya Millard, '87, Secretarial

Ron Thielen, '84, Industrial Electrician

James "Jim" L. Brimeyer, Communications instructor, 1995-2014

Guttenberg Press shines spotlight on Driver Education program at Northeast Iowa Community College! ... link

Bookstore News: Spring Term Books are available starting Dec. 12! Book Buy Back at the Calmar and Peosta Bookstores begins from 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. on the following dates: Friday, Dec. 14; Monday, Dec. 17; and Tuesday, Dec. 18.

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Conversation Corner

We have so much to be thankful for at Northeast Iowa Community College: colleagues who strive to provide exceptional learning and service experiences for our students; partnerships with businesses and other organizations that allow us to deliver programming that supports academic success and workforce development; and communities that trust us to invest their tax levy dollars wisely. See examples of these efforts and relationships in action in this month's Conversation Corner. Best wishes to you and your families for a happy Thanksgiving season.

David Dahms l Vice President of Finance and Administration

Wendy Knight | Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness and Advancement

Wendy Mihm-Herold, Ph.D. | Vice President of Business and Community Solutions

Kathleen Nacos-Burds, Ph.D. l Vice President of Learning and Student Success

Rhonda Seibert l Associate Vice President of Operations

See this month's update!

Agenda and Packet: Board of Trustees Nov. 19, 2018 meeting

PIES and BARS | sweet data.

2018 Completion Metrics and Three-Year Trend Reports Show Impact of Full-Time vs. Part-Time Enrollment and Influence on Success Rates for Students who Earn Prior College Credits

The 2018 Completion Metrics Report (CM) has been uploaded to Google Drive > Shared with me > Institutional Effectiveness > Inst. Research > Trend Data, along with a comparative three-year trend report. The CM report shows graduation and progress measures for students entering the College in the fall term, whether a first-time postsecondary student or one who has accumulated prior postsescondary credits either as a transfer student or through concurrent course offerings for high school students. A review of the three-year graduation and/or transfer rates shows improved rates for all full-time students, both for first-time postsecondary students or those who accumulated prior completed credits. A wider variance in outcomes is shown for part-time students, especially those entering with no prior college credits. Graduation/transfer rates for part-time students with no prior credits who entered fall 2015 were 7 percentage points below the same rates for the fall 2013 entering cohort, while graduation/transfer rates for part-time students entering fall 2015 with prior college credits increased 6 percentage points over the same time period.

JUST DESSERTS | let's celebrate.

College's Business and Community Solutions Lumens Website Honored at National Conference!

Lori Schmitz, Business and Community Solutions Data/Systems Manager, and Kristi Flack, Director of Operations, Business and Community Solutions, attended the National Augusoft Lumens User Summit from November 5-7 in Savannah, Ga. The College implemented Augusoft's software product, Lumens, to manage approximately 20,000 online class registrations annually. More than 80 Augusoft customers attended and voted for the best customer web page and catalog cover. The College earned a 2nd place honor for best web page! The Business and Community Solutions team thanks Marketing and specifically Mike White, Webmaster, for providing direction during the Lumens homepage redesign this past summer. The primary goal of the redesign was making the site more user friendly for visitors. Congratulations to everyone for your exemplary team effort!

Pictured at the National Augusoft Lumens User Summit are Lori, Kristi and Paul VanderWaal, Augusoft Director of IT.

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

What's the Dial-In Number? Communication Theorist Offers Suggestions for Successful Videoconference Meetings

Nick Morgan, Ph.D., is one of the nation's foremost communication theorists, coaches and educators. This month, he penned a two-part essay for Public Words, a family-owned consulting firm created by Morgan in 1997. His online essay, How to Improve Your Videoconferencing Experience, examines the different communication modes of two-dimensional videoconference meetings versus face-to-face meetings. College faculty and staff members can certainly relate to the topic and Morgan's insights, given that videoconference meetings have become standard procedure in a district area encompassing 5,000-square miles, two campuses and seven service locations! Read Part 1 and Part 2 of Morgan's essay.

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Sandy Magsamen | Success Coach

Regional Academy for Math and Science (RAMS) Center

What is something you have done that would surprise others who never knew?

I participated in a Mom's BMX Bike Race and actually received a 3rd place plaque. While in high school, our son Kenny belonged to the Cedar Rapids BMX Bike Club. He asked me to enter this race, but I wasn't really sure how my long legs were going to be able to peddle a 16-inch bike around a dirt track. Somehow, I did manage to do it without breaking a leg! (By the way, the mom that should have finished in 1st place, fell and actually broke her leg.)

What is the favorite part of your job or workday at the College?

The favorite part of my job is greeting the students with a smile and asking them how their day is going. Every December, the RAMS Center staff host an Appreciation Day for the students. We let them know that we appreciate them and are glad that they are here. We provide homemade cookies and bars, pop popcorn and serve hot chocolate.

What is something you love to do that doesn't fit with how others see you?

Something I love to do is attend car shows and go on car cruises. We have a "1967" Chevelle that I purchased March 1, 1969. Although it is not an actual “muscle car” from the ‘60s, we enjoying cruising the countryside. This is one of our five classic cars that we switch off driving.

Why did you choose your current profession?

I have enjoyed being a Success Coach at the RAMS Center these past five years because of my compassion for people. I feel my past 25 years’ experience with Iowa Workforce Development has helped me to assist students with resumes, mock interviews, letters of recommendation, etc.

What is your greatest achievement and how has it shaped you?

To me, one of my greatest achievements is having a positive attitude. Everyone has a story to share; and being a good listener is always very helpful to others. I try to begin every day with a grateful heart.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!