friday takeout

April 23, 2021

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • Have you heard the news? The College is hosting a new Moving Forward Speaking Series that focuses on brain health. There are nationally known presenters, motivational speakers, best-selling authors and a US Olympian! Invite the essential worker in your life! ... news and webpage link

  • Northeast Iowa Community College creates new Avionics Electronic Technician program to meet in-demand workforce need ... news

  • Check out the College's new cluster video series, created by Team Gold. These videos are being used to recruit new students. This video features our Health Sciences cluster ... video

FACULTY AND STAFF: Stay up-to-date on the College's Strategic Plan and Tracking document in NICC Shared Files!

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

All the Data You Need at your Fingertips! Check out the College's Official 2019-2020 Data Report

Do you need data or want to verify a fact about our College? Whether it's for your upcoming PowerPoint presentation, a social media post or you just want to satisfy your curiosity, the new 2019-2020 Data Report probably has the info you're looking for?

Here are just a few samples contained in the report that is compiled by Institutional Research and Marketing:

  • What is the College's student-to-faculty ratio?

  • What awards or honors have we received for excellence and leadership?

  • How many veterans are enrolled at NICC?

  • What are the top ten four-year transfer institutions for our graduates?

Check out the full Data Report at this link or this location in Shared Files:

You're Invited to Attend Virtual Live Q&A Event about COVID-19 Vaccine

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

Happy Earth Week!

The Artists of the Earth Campaign

The Artists of the Earth global advocacy campaign creates and shares many of the most compelling images about climate change, sustainability and the Earth's fragile, often endangered ecosystems. In partnership with, Artists for the Earth showcases photography, design and architecture, film and street art that connects with arts organizations and artists everywhere to engage the public with critical issues of the environment.

View the 2021 Visual Arts | Earth Day webpage.

Local Students Commit to Career and Technical Education: 2021 National Signing Day!

On April 15, the College launched its inaugural National Signing Day event to promote career and technical education for students. This year’s event focused on recruitment in two programs, John Deere TECH at Calmar and Diesel Mechanics at Peosta.

A group of students (pictured at right) pledged their commitment to developing their skills in one of the two programs and to begin careers in the field after graduation. Thank you to everyone at the College who helped make this event a great success!


Happy Earth Week, everyone! Kara and Nick, our Green Iowa AmeriCorps Sustainability Coordinators, will be bringing us regular facts and tips to green your life and make it more sustainable. Enjoy this first installment!

Did you know that if you replace the five most frequently used light bulbs in your house with ENERGY STAR models, you can save $75 a year?* And if you replaced inefficient faucets and aerators with WaterSense models, the average household could save 700 gallons of water every year?**

That's right, change five bulbs, potentially save $75 annually! Switch to an efficient aerator and save the equivalent of 45 showers! So, in that spirit, we are giving away Energy Saver kits to anyone who signs up here. These kits include LED light bulbs, faucet aerators and air sealing materials. Let us know how much energy or water you saved and we'll enter you into a drawing for a prize!



BIG FISH | be amazed.

Chelsea Clegg

Online Science Instructor

What is your favorite movie of all time? (in a particular genre, if it’s easier to answer. e.g., comedy, drama, horror, sci fi.)

I am a sucker for comedies (Out Cold, Accepted, Eurotrip) but a movie I could watch every week and never tire of is Shrek. Something about it just connects with the cynical ogre in me.

If you could start all over again, what would be your career choice?

I wanted to be a female Indiana Jones. I was a member of the movie fan club in the 80s and had an autographed Temple of Doom poster. At the time, I thought it was because I wanted the adventure and knowledge of cultures/civilizations. I realize now it was the hat, whip, leather jacket and comedic sidekicks.

Is there a book you’ve read that you love so much you’ve read it twice, or even multiple times?

My genre of choice is historical fiction and the classics. While I love anything by the Bronte sisters and I treasure my copy of Frankenstein, one book that I catch myself reading yearly is The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. His writing is so fluid and captivating, you forget the morality that is being presented. Every time I read it, I take away a different message.

Name one country or region in the world you have never visited that you someday want to visit, serve or spend a vacation?

Egypt has always been on my bucket list, particularly a Nile River cruise. To see the pyramids, sandboard and immerse in the culture and ancient wonders of the world would be my happy place. Not so much my wallet, but I don't normally get its opinion :)

If you could be an Olympic athlete, in what sport would you compete?

The summer Olympics, particularly track and field. In high school I competed in states and nationals for pole vault! In those years, the bars weren't quite so high and the poles were much thicker fiberglass, but it was still a pretty unique experience and the closest I will get to being a low flying bird.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!