friday takeout

November 13, 2020

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • New round of grants to Northeast Iowa Community College help fulfill mission and service to local community ... news

  • e-Newsletter The Heroes Tribune launched this week to share information about services, policies and benefits for Northeast Iowa Community College student veterans and their families ... link

  • Maquoketa Valley High School graduate and future educator, Allison Knipper, begins college career at NICC ... feature

  • Sports Shooting team wraps up its fall season, one that saw week-after-week improvements for a new squad … news

FACULTY AND STAFF: Stay up-to-date on the College's Strategic Plan and Tracking document in NICC Shared Files!

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

2020 Student Crisis Fundraiser Virtual Silent Auction is now Live!

Giving with Gratitude, in memory of Kathy Davis

You can do your early Christmas shopping right here! Don't miss out on the opportunity to participate in the Seven Days of Kindness, starting this Thursday, Nov 12, featuring a random act of kindness for each day of the event! A great way to connect with others and show your gratitude!

Visit Silent Auction Site

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

Let’s Say Goodbye to an Old Typewriter Habit!

Just a friendly reminder: Please use only one space after a period in a sentence! Although the practice of using two spaces may have been hammered into every student taking a high school typewriting or keyboarding class, the history of typography since the early 20th century has maintained the following: use one space after a period in a sentence. Every major style guide (e.g, The Modern Language Association Style Manual, the Chicago Manual of Style, the Associated Press Stylebook and the American Psychological Association's Publications Manual, for published work) adheres to the one space rule. By incorporating this new habit into your written work, the College's editors and staff members preparing reports will thank you!

You may wonder, "How do I remove extra spaces easily from a long paper or report I've already finished in Microsoft Word, then?"

Helpful tip: With the Word document open and the entire document or relevant text selected:

Open the Home tab at the top left of your screen. At the top right of your screen, click on the Replace button. When the Find and Replace window opens, type in two blank spaces into the Find what: field and in the Replace with: field below it, type in one space. Click on Replace All, follow the instructions and close the window.

WELLNESS 360 | be well.

Self-Care Tips and Inspiration

by Flannery Cerbin-Bohach, Wellness and Life Stage Program Manager

Inspiration of the Week:

Here’s a good reminder this week for all of us about Effective Communication, which is less about an information exchange and more about being tuned-in to the emotions and intentions behind what someone is saying. It takes practice to listen effectively. Learning to effectively communicate can do wonders for our social/emotional health. It can help us to build and deepen connections with others, gain trust and improve teamwork! Effective communication is more about listening than talking. Check out this resource.

Recipe of the Week:

Confession ... I haven’t tried this yet, but Skillet Lasagna was a recommendation from a friend. I’ve added the ingredients to the grocery list! Let me know if anyone tries it.

Online Yoga! Calling all interested employees; if anyone missed the sign up for online yoga, you’re still welcome to join the fun for a few more sessions. Here are the details. Wraps up the week of Nov. 16.

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Darla Butikofer

Business and Community Solutions Director of Health Programming | Calmar Campus

What is your astrological sign and your birthday? Has anything unusual, funny, amazing or inspiring ever happened because of your astrological sign?

I’m not into astrology, but had a very “cosmic” thing happen several years ago. I came upon an injured motorcyclist who had a broken neck, among other serious injuries (doctors still tell him it is nothing short of a miracle he is alive and not paralyzed). When visiting him during his rehab, we discovered we shared the same birthday, Sept. 24 (Libra). We send each other birthday cards to this day!

When you retire, and assuming you have enough money to do so, what is one cause you would give to because you are passionate about its mission and purpose?

I would give to the Samaritan’s Purse Disaster Relief. On several occasions recently, I was able to volunteer with them during derecho clean-up in the Tama area. One cannot put a price tag on the experience and seeing the appreciation from those who lost homes and possessions. The stories they shared of riding out the storm were pretty amazing too. It was a very humbling experience that really put things in perspective for me.

What is the age in your life that stands out as the most memorable, and why?

My most memorable age began when I had my four children, all within a five-year period. Even though they are all young adults now, I continue to thoroughly enjoy each stage of their lives and am constantly reminded what a privilege it is to be a mom.

What is your favorite movie of all time? (in a particular genre, if it’s easier to answer. e.g., comedy, drama, horror, sci fi.)

I’m not into country as much as I used to be, but it has to be Urban Cowboy. I lost track of how many times I have seen it. What a heartthrob John Travolta was as “Bud” back then. Maybe too, the movie reminds me of a time when I was young and carefree!

If you could kill off any character from a current TV show, who would it be and why?

No doubt, it would be Carole Baskin from Netflix’s docuseries, Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness. I wouldn’t kill her, but would lock her up in a cell with Joe Exotic and let them go at each other! I realize Joe is eccentric and immoral, but Carole is not completely innocent. The question remains, did she feed her missing husband to the tigers as the Tiger King claims?

What kid’s movie has completely scarred you for life?

Although kids shouldn’t watch it and I didn’t see it as a child, I absolutely will never ever watch Stephen King’s Christine again. After seeing it, any little car noise scared me and I disliked driving alone in the dark for quite a long time.

If you could morph two animals to make one super animal what would you choose and why?

I love pigs (I used to help my dad nurse the baby “runts” to health) and dogs (I have a Teddybear and Cavachon). So definitely, a pig-dog.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!