friday takeout

July 27, 2018

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

When the President of the United States visits your community college, you can expect to see media coverage!

President's roundtable on workforce development included Presidential Cabinet members, local employers, our own Dr. Wee and Wendy Knight, and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) graduate Joe O'Dell! ... KWWL-TV | KCRG-TV | KWQC-TV

Quad Cities reporter's in-depth broadcast on NICC graduate and roundtable panelist, Joe O'Dell ...

Print media coverage includes USA TODAY and photojournalists from The Des Moines Register ...

KGAN-TV broadcast captures sentiments of protestors that lined NICC Drive during the roundtable event ...

How does Northeast Iowa Community College plan for a visit by the President? ... pre-event coverage by KWWL-TV and KCRG-TV

Manchester Press publishes story on Dr. Wee's visit with the West Delaware County Community School Board and the bond levy renewal effort ... news

Calmar Courier includes bond levy campaign news coverage in its July 18 edition, as well as projects the College has identified as priorities for the Calmar campus ... link

The Fall edition of Career Focus is dropping in mailboxes over the next several days! Northeast Iowa Community College is Building Your Community's Future ... lead story

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

(In this feature on cybersecurity, Rhonda Seibert, associate vice president of operations, emphasizes important things to remember during the summer or while traveling.)

Sun, Sand & Cybersecurity

Whether you are out exploring or relaxing, it is important to strive to be as secure as possible with your digital devices and information. Unfortunately, travel can open you up to different points of vulnerability compared to normal everyday use at home, and we don’t just mean accidentally going swimming with your cell phone. You see, while traveling you are operating outside of your normal, safe routines.

Learn More.

APPETIZERS | just a little something.

Questions We May Encounter about the College's Bond Levy Continuation Vote

Q: The College passed a bond levy for $35 million in 2007. How was the money spent?

A: Through voter support, the College built a new Industrial Technologies building on the Peosta campus that houses classrooms, labs and open labs for career and technical programs, such as Welding, CNC, Industrial Maintenance and Auto Mechanics. At the Calmar campus, the funding allowed NICC to construct a Student Center with food service, library, bookstore and all student services departments available in a central location for students. A renovated wing on the Peosta campus Main Building provides classrooms and lab space for health and science programs, and a new library was built that serves as the Peosta branch of the Dubuque County Library. Some renovations were also completed on the Calmar campus, including the Industrial Technologies Building and the Wilder Business Center.

See other informational documents about the Sept. 11 bond levy vote:

My Drive > NICC Shared Files > President > 2018 Bond Levy Renewal

More information about the bond levy campaign is available from Julie Wurtzel at the Calmar campus,, or Barb O'Hea, at

You may also send any questions or comments you have to!

JUST DESSERTS | let's celebrate.

Welcome New Staff!

Sandra Beisker is the new Coordinator of Disability Services at the Peosta campus.

Judy Nivarel is a new custodian at the Peosta campus.

Amanda Reddick-Gilson is a new Enrollment Advisor at the Peosta campus. Amanda was previously the College's Clayton County Success Coach.

Jennifer Rupp is the Assistant Director of Enrollment Operations at the Peosta campus. She previously served as an Admissions Representative at Peosta.

Aubrey Waller is a new custodian at the Calmar campus.

BIG FISH | be amazed.

John Barker | Custodian, Peosta Campus

What is something you love to do that doesn't fit with how others see you?

I love to hear Luciano Pavarotti sing "O Sole Mio."

Why did you choose your current profession?

When I was a little boy, I asked Jesus to come into my life and save me from my sins. After confessing that I needed Him to be my Savior, I also asked Him to take my life and do what He wanted to do with it. Ever since that time I have always desired to share the love of God with everyone I meet. That's why I became a pastor; to tell the wonderful news of how much God loves us. And whether I am preaching from behind the sacred desk, (pulpit) or comforting those who are hurting, or disciplining a drunk college student who thinks that it's funny to jump up and down on an elevator on the 4th floor of a high rise apartment building only to drop four floors before coming to an abrupt stop and scaring a bunch of other students on the elevator with him, I do it all with love in my heart for God and people.

What is your greatest achievement and how has it shaped you?

My greatest achievement so far has been that my wife and I are still married after 34 years.

If you were cryogenically frozen for 100 years, what would be your first question after waking up?

Do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior?

Do you have any particularly strong loyalties to consumer brands (i.e., Ford vs. Chevy, Coke vs.Pepsi, etc.)?

I really like Kraft Mac and Cheese.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!