friday takeout

September 10, 2021

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • Family and career dreams inspire HSED graduate and NICC nursing student ... feature

  • Check out photos from this week's Fall Fest! ... link

and Tad Mueller's drone photo!

  • Fall 2021 High School Counselor e-newsletter highlights new student housing, renovation updates and new programs ... link

  • Director of Adult Education and Literacy, Gisella Aitken-Shadle, highlighted as Rising Star in this month's issue of BizTimes ... link

  • FACULTY AND STAFF: Stay up-to-date on the College's Strategic Plan and Tracking document in NICC Shared Files!

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Dubuque Labor Day Parade Marshal ... Trustee Dan White!

Northeast Iowa Community College Trustee Dan White served as the Labor Day Parade Marshal this year! The event last Monday drew 55 entrants and included vintage cars with local dignitaries, marching bands and trucks representing electrical, steel and other workers, as well as truck drivers, carpenters and other union members. Dan sat in the prominent lead car as the parade traveled from Jackson Park to Washington Square. He served as president of Dubuque-based United Auto Workers Union Local 94 for 21 years.

Dan said to the Dubuque Telegraph Herald this week, “I’ve been involved [in local unions] my whole life,” he said. “I’m aware of the battles going back to the ’80s and walking the picket lines. It’s all been worth it. I’ve met great people.”

Construction Begins on Commercial Driver License and Motorcycle Range

Earth moving and grading work is underway on the new CDL/Motorcycle Driving range at Peosta. The new area will allow the College to expand offerings for motorcycle and truck driver training in a dedicated space designed for training purposes. The project is funded with College infrastructure funds.

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

New Organizational Development Google Site Available for Employees

Faculty and staff development events for the College are in full swing! Events are available throughout the academic year with many already scheduled and more being added each week.

You can access the schedule of events and professional development opportunities (many of which are CEU-eligible) on the Organizational Development calendar. Click on the listed event to get a description and access link.

This calendar can be accessed by going to the Organizational Development site on MyCampus.

This message is brought to you on the suggestion of Seth Gilbert, NICC Director of Organizational Development. Contact Seth with any questions you have at ext. 2106.


Kara and Piper, our Green Iowa AmeriCorps Sustainability Coordinators, will be bringing us regular facts and tips to green your life and make it more sustainable.

Not Using It? Unplug It! How many things do you have plugged in around your house that are not in use? And did you know that electronics that are plugged into an electrical outlet continue to use electricity even after they are turned off? In fact, about 75 percent of the electricity that our home electronics consume is used when the electronics are just sitting there! So, when you are done using the toaster or charging your phone, unplug it! For outlets that are hard to reach, like behind your flatscreen TV, invest in a smart power strip. It will detect when the devices it powers are not in use and reduce the electricity it draws. You might be asking why you should care about how much electricity you use. Not only does reducing your electricity use bring your electric bill down, but given that electricity is not an unlimited resource, we should only take what we need.

by Max Walker, Green Iowa AmeriCorps Summer Member

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Tara Aulwes

Health Operations Program Manager, Business and Community Solutions | Town Clock Business Center

What is the most irrational fear or phobia that you have?

When I cross a bridge it will collapse and I will not be able to escape my car, so when I cross a bridge I always have my window down and seatbelt unbuckled.

A person who doesn’t know they have greatly impacted my life is ________________________.
Please explain.

My kids. Although they can test my patience and sanity, they have showed me how to handle life's stressful situations and that sometimes we just need to cry it out; but the best part is knowing I can relieve stress by having a dance party in the kitchen or, simply, getting a hug.

What is the best parenting tip?
The best parenting tip is take each day one at a time, be patient and pick your battles.

What is a person or subject that should be made into a documentary, but hasn’t yet?

The life of Luke Bryan. He took in his nephews and nieces following the passing of his siblings.

What item do you buy the most of at a bulk store? (e.g., Costco, Sam’s Club)

Velveeta shells and cheese.

Tell us you’re an American without telling us you’re an American.

Hawkeyes. Cubs. Warm apple pie with ice cream.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!