friday takeout

November 1, 2019

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • KCRG-TV shines spotlight on successful Child Care Assistance Program, an initiative developed in partnership between the College, workforce agencies, city and county government ... link

  • Manchester Center and Maquoketa Valley High School team up for fourth annual "speed dating" Career Fair for students ... news

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Thank you Everyone, for your Support of the Student Crisis Fund!

Thank you everyone, for your generous support of the Student Crisis Fundraiser events this month! Your support to the Crisis Fund - through the silent auctions, contests, direct financial contributions, and just enjoying treats and having fun - impacts the lives of our students and helps them during difficult times. Our collective efforts generate thousands of dollars in support each year.

JUST DESSERTS | let's celebrate.

Congratulations and Welcome to Northeast Iowa Community College!

Tara Miller is a new Marketing Assistant/Inside Sales for Business and Community Solutions at Peosta.

APPETIZER | a little something for your appetite.

Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Grading Software in US Schools the Answer?

For several years, many education-focused media articles -- including, National Public Radio, and -- have weighed in on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) software to grade K-12 and college students' math assignments, vocabulary quizzes and even essays. In an Aug 27, 2019, essay that appeared in, "Artificial Intelligence, Authentic Impact: How Educational AI is Making the Grade," writer Doug Bonderud opined that effective AI applications in education could be grouped into five general roles: Automation of straightforward grading tasks that frees up time for teacher and student engagement; Integration, where AI is woven into other IT initiatives to provide personalized learning solutions for students; Acclimation that helps students stay on pace with technological change; Delineation that uses AI analytics to help educators spot critical trends and ensure content is relevant; and Identification, the use of AI to spot and remedy problems in their formative stages.

Several US states, such as Utah, Ohio, New Jersey and Florida, have begun to use AI more widely in K-12 public schools. Obviously, there are many critics of AI implementation in US schools, particularly where the technology is used for grading and evaluation of students' assignments and essays. One English teacher at Newton South High School near Boston, Kelly Henderson, doubts that AI software, however budget-friendly the technology is, can truly evaluate student writing and creativity: "The idea is bananas, as far as I'm concerned," Henderson told National Public Radio in June 2018. "An art form, a form of expression being evaluated by an algorithm is patently ridiculous."

Readers! Do you have an opinion on using AI software to grade students' assignments? Please send your 250-300 word opinion essay to by Nov. 22.

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Travis Hunt

Learning Management System Administrator | Peosta Campus

Which of the following aspects of your upbringing most contributed in shaping the person you came to be and why/how?

Growing up on a dairy farm just north of Edgewood, Iowa, absolutely has shaped me as a person. It was there that I learned the challenges and rewards of working hard for what you have. Farming is certainly not an easy profession! It also helped me become a creative thinker. Sometimes you may have a challenge come up, and you have to creatively think of a solution in order to move forward.

Additionally, being from a small town encouraged me to be involved in many different things. This shaped my interest in being a “jack of all trades” growing up (and now). Sports, music, drama, speech, FFA, Meals on Wheels – you name it, I was likely involved. This has continued, as I find myself enjoying many different hobbies: biking, drumming, bass guitar playing, sports, technology and vinyl records, just to name a few.

Where do you find the greatest alignment between the College's Vision/Values and your own personal values and priorities?

Northeast Iowa Community College’s commitment to community aligns well with my own personal values and priorities. Northeast Iowa is home to me, and I have seen communities rally together during difficult times, celebrate during the great times and continue to grow despite challenges. One specific example that sticks out is Hope church in small Littleport, Iowa, near my parents’ farm. In 1999, a devastating flood tore through the town and literally wiped everything out. That small community and many nearby communities rallied together to clean up, tear down and create a new vision for the town. Unfortunately, much of the town was unable to rebuild because of proximity to the river. However, the community came together for the small Hope church to keep it alive. They cleaned up the church, raised it up and placed it on the back of a large semi-trailer. The church made a short journey over the bridge and river, up the hill and out of town. The church is still active today and reminds the community how they worked together to accomplish a daunting task. While I have only been at the College for a few months, I also see those values in the people here at NICC. Together we can accomplish great things!

If you could invent any product, no matter how unrealistic it may seem, what would it be and what would it do?

Obviously, if I could invent any product it would be a cure to cancer and other diseases impacting society today. However, to keep it “lighter,” I would love to invent a product that would teleport people and things. How great would it be to order some food from an eatery many miles away and have it pop right into your home? Want to visit another country for an evening? Boom, done. Want to spend your lunch break walking through the Redwood Forest? Sure! The opportunities are endless.

What was your favorite cartoon/comic/book growing up?

Outside of the usual suspects (Batman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Scooby Doo), I have always loved the Kool Aid Man. A Kool Aid Man figurine sits proudly on my desk and occasionally you will see me in a Kool Aid Man t-shirt. He is quite possibly one of the most random characters ever. A pitcher of red sugary liquid that crashes through your house walls to bring some refreshment? “Oh yeaaahhh!”

What do you most want to accomplish at Northeast Iowa Community College?

Mostly, I want to help create more avenues for technology to inspire teaching and learning. Working with Brightspace is so rewarding. The platform is robust and has great potential for creativity. It is fun to introduce new ideas and see new features come to life in the system. To help students learn and not experience technology as a barrier – but as a catalyst toward learning – is the challenging and exciting part. Just in the past few months, I feel we (Online and Blended Learning and D2L) are making progress toward facilitating student success, saving instructors time and promoting use of the platform. Plus, it was nice to get a few cheers when we announced the built-in Assignment Annotations feature. Those cheers were definitely a highlight of my time at NICC so far. Hopefully there are more to come!

I will end with a little bit of promotion toward an item our team released earlier this fall. If you are interested in anything Brightspace (video tutorials, step-by-step tutorials, new features, etc.) visit our brand new Brightspace Knowledgebase today!

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!