friday takeout

November 5, 2021

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • Medical Assistants Needed: NICC and healthcare partners hosting open house at Peosta campus on Nov. 16 ... news

  • Check out photos from this year's Tri-State Emergency Responders Conference! ... link and fire demo video

  • Jackson County Sheriff's Deputy and NICC grad, Melissa Schmidt, talks about her new role as a K-9 unit officer training with BonO, a Belgian Malinois ... link

  • FACULTY AND STAFF: Stay up-to-date on the College's Strategic Plan and Tracking document in NICC Shared Files!

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Remembering Kathy Davis

In memory of retired Peosta campus counselor, we challenge you this week and next to do what she would do—spread kindness. Please join us in participating in a random act of kindness throughout the week.


Silent Auction Bidding Started this Week!

Check out the site to see what items are posted.

  • Remember to BID on items! The auction is open through Nov. 10 at 1 p.m.

  • Not interested in bidding on an item? Skip the bidding and opt to make a monetary donation

Calmar Campus Monster Mash Costume Contest Winners!

GRACE: Gratitude through Reflection, Appreciation, Compassion & Equity Presentation

As the capstone event of the Kathryn J. Davis Student Crisis Fundraiser, Giving with Gratitude, you are invited to join us for a moment of connection and gratitude. Dr. Wee will address the College community, reflecting on our work, lives, challenges, blessings and the powerful driving force that gratitude can play in our lifetimes.

Community Rooms 203/204

Peosta Campus

Nov. 9

Noon-1 p.m.

Wilder Business Center Auditorium

Calmar Campus

Nov. 11

Noon-1 p.m.

Live via Zoom

Nov. 11

Noon-1 p.m.

RSVP to attend GRACE: Gratitude through Reflection, Appreciation, Compassion & Equity with Dr. Wee. (Zoom link sent after RSVP.)

WELLNESS 360 | be well.

A Message from the Pandemic Response Team:

The COVID-19 vaccine is now available for children ages 5-12. According to the CDC, scientists have conducted clinical trials with about 3,000 children and the FDA has determined the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has met the safety and efficacy standards for children.

Learn more:

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities

Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities

Connection information is available in the Organizational Development site.

Accessibility in your course through ALLY | Wednesday, Nov. 10, 2021 | 3:30-4:30 p.m.

Learn how ALLY in Brightspace can assist you in making your course more accessible to all of your students. (0.1 CEU eligible)

Want to add the OD calendar to your NICC google calendar?

Simply follow the instructions at this link.

College Suites Construction Update!

College Suites construction is progressing well ahead of the winter months. Updates include:

  • The building is dried in from the weather

  • Exterior brick work is ongoing

  • MEP rough in is complete on the top (5th) floor

  • Drywall installation is underway on the top floor, expected to be complete by early next week, then moving to the 4th floor

  • Elevator install within the next two weeks

Business Professionals of America Chapter news ...

Calmar and Peosta Business Professionals of America (BPA) students attended the Fall Leadership Conference in Des Moines from Oct. 17-18. The students attended sessions focused on expanding leadership skills and networking. Students who attended were Jessica Terrell, Ashley Bothun and Heidi Nagel from the Calmar chapter, and Kyle Schrumpf, Riley Fellenzer, Ryan Welter and Brent Krantz from the Peosta chapter (pictured at right).

What else is BPA up to lately? Local officer nominations are made and some of those members will be running for an additional state officer position. Students will also select and prepare for competitions for the Spring Leadership Conference next February in Des Moines, and state qualifiers will have an opportunity to attend the National Leadership Conference in Dallas, Texas, in May. Want to give our BPA students a boost? Members are raising funds for the state and national conferences by selling Butterbraids! Email Melissa Stewart at or Angela Pyzocha at if you want to connect with a BPA member to make a Butterbraid purchase.


Kara and Piper, our Green Iowa AmeriCorps Sustainability Coordinators, will be bringing us regular facts and tips to green your life and make it more sustainable.

As we wind down into winter, and transition our wardrobes to colder days, take some time to sort out your clothes from the last season and see what can go! Here are a few ways to recycle your clothes instead of sending them to the landfill:

1) Host a clothing swap with all of your friends!

2) Take unwanted clothes to a local thrift store to give them a new life!

3) Make a pile of clothes that need mending, and use nightly TV time to chip away at projects and refresh your clothes for next year!

4) Have clothes that are beyond repair? You can repurpose old sweaters into pet blankets, or cut up ratty cotton shirts into reusable cleaning cloths! On average, about 92 million tons of textile waste is sent to the landfill each year. Getting creative and finding ways to recycle and repurpose clothes at the end of a season will lessen your environmental impact and ensure that perfectly good clothes get a second season of wear!

-Piper Wood


BIG FISH | be amazed.

Yarrow Pasche

Mental Health Counselor | Calmar Campus

A person who doesn’t know they have greatly impacted my life is ________________________. Please explain.

My son Sky. Over his nine years he has opened my eyes to a perspective I had not experienced before. He challenges me daily with his stubbornness, astounds me with all that he learns and melts my heart with his expressions of love.

Share something or an experience that has changed your worldview.

When I was 10 years old my father took me and my eight year-old brother to India for three months. It was an amazing experience that has impacted me ever since.

What is the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?

I love visiting open air markets, especially in Southeast Asia. The piles of fruits and vegetables are so beautiful and often so different from what we see here in the US. At one of these markets a fellow was selling snacks, including fried spiders, which I had to try. They were crispy and salty, much like snacks we have here.

What fashion trend do you regret?

When I was in high school I ventured out in cut-off shorts over tights or nylons. I cringe thinking about the nice restaurants I went to with my family, insisting all the while that this was acceptable attire. Unfortunately, I see this fashion trend making it through the high school ranks again!

Would you own or use a self-driving car?

Definitely not. I do not really enjoy driving, however, I do like to be in control. I am kind of a back seat driver as it is, so the idea of handing that control over to the vehicle itself seems all wrong to me.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!