friday takeout

March 18, 2022

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • Northeast Iowa Community College Associate of Arts graduate and businesswoman, Erica Brewer, receives statewide entrepreneur honor! ... feature

  • In Case You Missed It: Iowa Department of Education's 2020-2021 Condition of Iowa's Community Colleges report is available ... link

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Faculty and Staff: Encourage Students to Register and Attend the College Career & Professional Development Fair on March 29

Hundreds of students and dozens of employers in the tri-state area are participating in the College Career & Professional Development Fair on Tuesday, March 29, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The event, sponsored by, will be held at the Grand River Center at 500 Bell St. in Dubuque. The schedule includes personalized coaching for students in the Student Prep Room, networking with nearly 60 employers representing every job sector, Career Breakout Sessions and an afternoon networking session and keynote delivered by new Mayor of Dubuque Brad Cavanagh. The event is free for students. Register.

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

Spring Yard Clean-Up Ideas for You!

The warmer weather this week served as encouragement for us to get outside, go for a walk, sit on the patio or deck and find some sunshine. This is a great time to tackle some Spring clean-up projects just as the season officially begins this Sunday. offers these suggestions for outdoor yard maintenance.

Spring Clean-Up Checklist

  • Trees and Shrubs: Prune Away Dead and Damaged Branches

  • Perennials and Grasses: Cut Back and Divide Perennials as Needed

  • Beds and Borders: Clean Up around Plants

  • Composting: Compost Yard Waste

  • Lawn Care: Prep Damaged Lawn Areas for Spring Seeding

  • Paths and Patios: Neaten Up Hardscape Surfaces

  • Fences and Trellises: Patch or Replace and Paint Worn Wood

Check out the article online for more details and instructions.


Kara and Piper, our Green Iowa AmeriCorps Sustainability Coordinators, will be bringing us regular facts and tips to green your life and make it more sustainable.

Hello, Piper here! Earth week (April 18-22) is just a month away, and this year's guiding theme is "Invest in the Planet." I invest in the planet each day by bringing my coffee to work in a reusable mug; as someone who drinks coffee *every day*, this easy switch saves at least 365 plastic coffee cups from heading to the landfill each year. Small actions can really add up! Better yet, I often get a discount at local coffee shops when I bring my own container. It's really a win-win-win. Can you commit to sustainability this month by making a personal pledge to the planet? It can be as simple as investing in a reusable mug to bring to work like I do, or as complex as organizing a carpool schedule with your coworkers! Check out some Earth Day pledges that you can take, or make your own Pledge for the Planet at this form! Thank you for making a difference!

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Krista Uptagrafft

College and Career Coach | Calmar

What lie were you told as a kid? (e.g., if you swallow a watermelon seed, one will grow in your stomach)

My sister told me if I took hot showers my skin would burn off, so I spent many years taking cold showers.

Share something or an experience that has changed your worldview.

I wouldn't say it is only one experience, but every time I travel to a foreign country my worldview changes. It always opens my eyes up to new cultures and gets me out of my normal routine. My favorite place in the entire world so far is London. I am actually going back in May. I love the culture and the way people focus more about living in the moment. I felt like there was less judgment there and people were able to coexist more seamlessly. It is such a beautiful place with so much history!

What item do you buy the most of at a bulk store? (e.g., Costco, Sam’s Club)

Toilet paper!

What fictional place would you like to visit?

Pandora from Avatar.

Would you own or use a self-driving car?

I would for sure own a self-driving car. I think I would travel the entire United States by taking a road trip to one state each year. That way when I traveled through the state, I could focus less on the road and more on the land around me.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!