friday takeout

January 8, 2021

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • Check out the College's new cluster video series, created by Team Gold. These videos are being used to recruit new students. This video features the advanced manufacturing cluster ... video

  • Dubuque Initiatives, a partnership between the College and several local agencies, will provide assistance to businesses during COVID-19... KWWL-TV story

  • FACULTY AND STAFF: Stay up-to-date on the College's Strategic Plan and Tracking document in NICC Shared Files!

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Phi Theta Kappa Members Sing Carols and Bring Joy to Long Term Care Residents!

The Peosta Phi Theta Kappa Chapter held a Christmas caroling event on Saturday, Dec. 19, 2020, at three Dubuque area senior care centers as a civic project for the members and as part of their yearly objectives for community service. The group originally planned to visit six care centers scheduled over two Saturdays; the Dec. 12 event was cancelled due to the snow storm, however.

Those participating in the caroling included PTK members, families and friends who sang 10 holiday songs outside the windows of the care facilities to bring a bit of holiday cheer to these residents. Residents were greeted with holiday signs and one of the chapter's volunteers brought his trumpet to play!

On behalf of our Peosta PTK Chapter, we wish to thank Sunnycrest Manor, Ennoble Center and Windsor Park Place for allowing us to hold this student event. The Peosta Chapter is intending to make this an annual event due to the level of responses received, so we look forward to December 2021 to caroling again!

Thank you on behalf of our members, families, NICC staff/faculty and friends!

Peosta Officer Team: April White, President; Layla Quinones, Vice-President; Taylor Newman, Treasurer; and Allisen Hallahan, Secretary.

Spread the Word with your Email Signature ... Mask Up!

The Pandemic Response Team encourages all College employees to insert the image shown in their email signature area. Help spread the word! To save the image, right click and select "Save Image As."

Your email signature can be modified, and the image inserted, by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner of your Gmail account. This allows you to change Settings and customize your email signature.

Free Presentation: "How to Minimize your Taxes and Maximize your Impact"

Join our NICC Foundation board members who are financial and legal experts for a live interaction panel discussion where you can ask questions and learn how to Minimize Your Taxes and Maximize Your Impact.

Jan. 13

Noon - 1 p.m.

Zoom Meeting

The panel consists of four professionals; two investment advisors, an attorney, and an accountant:

Danielle Shea, RICP, Wealth Management Advisor, Northwestern Mutual

Eric Dietzenbach, Financial Advisor, Dietzenbach Financial

Jerem White, JD, Attorney, Elwood Law Firm

Adam Reisch, CPA, CFP, CGMA, Partner, Honkamp Krueger & Co.

Questions are encouraged during the session. Below are a few samples:

  • What are you seeing when a client passes away without an estate plan in place?

  • What is the benefit of giving appreciated stock to a nonprofit charity?

  • What is a charitable rollover?

  • What happens to my children under the age of 18 if I don't have a will in place?

  • What is an RMD and how can you avoid paying income taxes on it?

  • What are Federal and State Estate Tax Thresholds?

  • Will my beneficiaries have to pay tax if I gift them my IRA/401K?

Space is limited for this highly anticipated session. A Zoom meeting link will be provided after you submit your registration. Register.

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

Max Clark Equipment Auction is Now Open

The Max Clark building located at the Calmar campus will be undergoing renovations in 2021. Equipment and furnishings, including items from the cosmetology and massage therapy areas, will be available for auction. More information can be found here.

The auction is open until Jan. 15 and all interested parties are welcome to look at these items. Viewing is available Monday through Friday to Jan. 15. Equipment is located in the Max Clark building at the Calmar campus.

Items on the auction are in a secured room, so please call ahead to visit. Numbers to contact for viewing are available on the website and face coverings are required when on campus.

WELLNESS 360 | be well.

Self-Care Tips and Inspiration

by Flannery Cerbin-Bohach, Wellness and Life Stage Program Manager

Self-Care Tip of the Week:

Hope you all had a restful break with lots of outside time and continue to find fresh air as we enter the depths of winter. Here’s one of my favorite reminders of the peace of the wild things:

“… the peace of the wild things

When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in the night at the least sound in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake rests in his beauty on the water and the great heron feeds. I come into the peace of the wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. I come into the presence of still water and I feel above me the day - blind stars waiting with their light. For a time I rest in the grace of the world and am free.”

- Wendell Berry

Inspiration of the Week:

Want to challenge yourself in the New Year to expand your mind and perspective? Pick up a book you wouldn’t normally otherwise read. Need some help with that? Check out the Book Riot's Read Harder Challenge or click here for a PDF of the 2021 Read Harder Challenge tasks.

Wellness Podcast: Know someone whose story needs to be heard? I’m seeking candidates for one-on-one interviews to be featured in a new wellness-themed podcast. The podcast will feature College employees (and potentially community members) with an inspiring story of personal success, a story about overcoming adversity or grief, or about finding a passion for a new hobby or skill. Email me if you want to be featured or know someone who should be! Yup, EVERYONE has a story to share.

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Tony Quinn

Paralegal/Criminal Justice Instructor | Dubuque Center

When you retire, and assuming you have enough money to do so, what is one cause you would give to because you are passionate about its mission and purpose?

Besides worldwide organizations like the International Red Cross and UNICEF, I would want to give to any cause that promotes local education, especially for preschool and elementary students.

If you could start all over again, what would be your career choice?

I'm lucky; I did get to start all over again. After practicing law for 24 years, I've found the ideal rewarding position to use my knowledge and experience.

Who is your favorite comedian?

Groucho Marx is the funniest person who ever lived, but if he doesn't qualify as a comedian, I'd go with Mr. Steve Martin.

If you could replace all the grass in the world with something else, what would it be?

That's easy: dark chocolate.

If you could be an Olympic athlete, in what sport would you compete?

I see that baseball is back on the list of Summer Olympics sports, so that's definitely what I'd play.

If you could choose one cartoon character to be your best friend, what character would you choose?

Bugs Bunny, hands down.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!