friday takeout

April 22, 2022

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • NICC brings competitive world of Esports to campus, student athletes to compete nationally! ... news

  • Thank you to everyone for a great return to All College Day in person! Check out Years of Service photos ... link

  • Moody's upgrades Northeast Iowa Community College’s bonds and certificates rating ... news

  • College seeks new Trustee for District 4 ... news

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Remember to Sign up! Day of Caring on Friday, April 29

All faculty and staff members are invited to participate in this year's Day of Caring event and volunteer two hours to beautifying our campuses. Volunteers who volunteer for two or more hours will receive a FREE boxed lunch!

Calmar Projects: Child Development Center playground cleanup, patio cleanup and garbage/litter pickup.

Peosta Projects: Assist the NICC Garden Club with prepping gardens, Child Development Center playground cleanup, adding compost to the flower planters by the Industrial Technology building and cleaning up the area in front of NECAS.

Sign up for NICC Day of Caring!

Please RSVP by Friday, April 22. Alternate date if needed will be on Friday, May 6.

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

Phi Theta Kappa Peosta Chapter Students Organized
Easter Egg Hunt on April 7 for Child Development Center!


Kara and Piper, our Green Iowa AmeriCorps Sustainability Coordinators, will be bringing us regular facts and tips to green your life and make it more sustainable.

We want to wish you all a happy, happy Earth Day! Earth Day has been celebrated for more than 50 years as a way to envision change and inspire actions that help our planet. Since our term began in September, Kara and I have been lucky to watch sustainability projects take root all across the College and northeast Iowa community. Some of our favorite projects include the Composting Pilot Program at Dubuque Town Clock Business Center, our recent Calmar Campus Waste Audit, sustainable holiday workshops at the Calmar and Peosta campuses, and our weekly green tips, to name a few! This year's theme for Earth Month is "Invest in the Planet."

Wendy Knight is investing in the planet by pledging to use cloth napkins at the dinner table, and Joy Sim is making an investment in local food by purchasing a CSA share! You too can invest in the planet through sustainable actions, like carpooling to work or starting a backyard compost bin, investing in sustainability with your pocketbook by purchasing products with less plastic packaging or factoring in solar installation on your new build project. There are many exciting projects happening this weekend that you can also get involved in to invest in our planet. Check them out!

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Steve Smith

Executive Director, Computer Information Systems | Calmar

A person who doesn’t know they have greatly impacted my life is ________________________. Please explain.

Random elevator lady. I was at a rather large conference in Dallas and after a session the elevators were packed with attendees heading to their rooms. We all started calling out our floors to the person nearest the buttons. I called out mine as well. After a while the button-pusher's friend commented, "Wow! So many pleases and thank yous." Easy reminder to all of us that we had forgotten our manners. I think about that lady a lot.

What lie were you told as a kid?

I'm going to flip this around - I often told my kids I had been struck by lightning in a your-dad's-a-legend joking kind of way. My oldest took it as that, while my youngest, however, didn't get the nuance and reiterated that story to teachers and classmates. She's still mad that she had to hear from a teacher that her dad, more than likely, had never experienced 300 million volts coursing through his body.

Would you own or use a self-driving car?

Absolutely. Do you like watching movies, sleeping, reading, drinking alcohol, etc. on planes? Now do that on your way to work, school, your kid's first 5th grade band concert (remember the alcohol thing from earlier? You're going to need it there).

What item do you buy the most of at a bulk store?

Costco Salmon burgers. Boom!

How do you feel about people and/or yourself cursing?

Much to the chagrin of Julie Uhlenhake, I #$⨚!% love it.

What fashion trend do you regret?

Anything Angel Snyder's husband, Sean, wears if he gets out of the house without her helping him coordinate. He's a mess (Hi Sean!).

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!