friday takeout

January 14, 2022

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • The College is stepping up recruitment efforts for the Commercial Driver's License (CDL) certificate program: Help provide the solution to the broken supply chain! New video produced by External Relations ... video

  • As colleges enter a third calendar year defined by the pandemic, Higher Ed Dive online identifies seven trends to watch for this year ... link

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

NFL Legend Peyton Manning Promotes Grain Bin Safety Training and NECAS Sponsor, Nationwide

Nationwide Insurance, a key partner to the National Education Center for Agricultural Safety (NECAS) at the College, enlisted the support of NFL legend Peyton Manning to help promote grain bin safety training. Manning’s video praises Nationwide for its support of grain bin safety and the rescue training NECAS delivers throughout the US.

NECAS has built two state-of-the-art mobile grain entrapment simulators to teach grain safety and grain bin rescue to rural volunteer fire departments. With these mobile props, NECAS has supplied training in Confined Space-Grain Bin Entry and Grain Bin Rescue in 32 states and Canada’s Ontario and Alberta provinces. The training has 27 documented rescues of victims trapped in the grain.

Faculty and Staff: Welcome to the NICC News Hub!

The NICC News Hub is up and running! You can now access this new intranet which serves as a communication hub for all NICC employees. To submit information you'd like to be shared with the college community, submit this form to your department's communication team member.

APPETIZER | something for your appetite.

Max Clark Hall Construction Completed!

Behind-the-Scenes Photos: Renovations Continue on Main Building in Peosta


Kara and Piper, our Green Iowa AmeriCorps Sustainability Coordinators, will be bringing us regular facts and tips to green your life and make it more sustainable.

Wondering what to do with an unwanted gift card you received over the holidays? According to Bankrate, 51 percent of American adults have unused gift cards. The monetary equivalent left on the table is $116 per person and a whopping $15.3 billion nationwide! The main culprits are letting the card expire, losing it or the store going out of business. Instead of letting that happen, this article has great ideas on how to make sure it's put to good use - including exchanging it on various sites for cash or a different card, donating it to someone or someplace that could use it or buying items for those in need. And if you exchange your card for cash, you can use that to purchase the low-cost compost bin through Winneshiek County Conservation that we mentioned in last week's post. Time is running out as orders must be placed by Jan. 31. One other reminder - if you're taking advantage of the warmer weather before the snow comes again and removing your holiday lights, remember you can drop unwanted lights in the recycle box in the entrance to Student Center.

- Kara Holmstrom

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Vincent Sheehan

Academic Assistant to the Dean of Nursing | Peosta

What lie were you told as a kid? (e.g., if you swallow a watermelon seed, one will grow in your stomach)

I was told and believed for many years was that if I swallowed my gum instead of throwing it away when I was done, it would stay in my stomach for 7 years.

What is the most irrational fear or phobia that you have?

The most irrational fear that I have is that I can’t walk up stairs with the lights off or have someone walking behind me whether that be my wife or even my dogs, but I love to sleep in total darkness.

What fictional place would you like to visit?

The fictional place I would like to visit would have to be Skyrim.

If extraterrestrials (aliens) landed on Earth, and you were the first one to communicate with them, what would you say or ask?

I would ask, "Do you watch Earth like a TV show and every year that passes for us is like a new season for you guys?"

Tell us you’re an American without telling us you’re an American.

I like to tell my wife this all the time that if I get hurt or need to go to the hospital, do not call an ambulance, drive me there or I'll drive myself.

What fashion trend do you regret?

The bleach-blond semi long hair, and then when I wanted a haircut I ended up with frosted tips.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!