friday takeout

April 5, 2019

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • Join Alex Dorr at Business Summit 2019! Learn more about this year's event, as well as the outcomes report for the College's Sector Boards, in this month's edition of Business Insight ... link

  • Learning Resources Network (LERN) awards national honor to NICC Business and Community Solutions! ... news

  • Salon owner and graduate Danna Kubik's college experience arrived at the right time, as an adult learner ... feature

  • Sports Shooting team hosts home meet at Turkey Valley Trap Range on Saturday, April 13 ... news

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

April is National Community College Month

National Community College Month is a campaign to raise awareness about the importance of our institutions to communities and students. According to the American Association of Community Colleges, from 2017-2018: Twelve million students attended community colleges, and 56 percent enrolled were female, 44 percent, male; 29 percent of all enrolled were first-generation college students, and 15 percent were single parents. See AACC 2019 Fact Sheet.

Northeast Iowa Community College's own success stories, such as graduate Brandon Corpstein, bring these statistics and numbers into focus locally. Brandon says affordablity and a stellar Graphic Design program led him to choose a community college. He's now one of the top designers at McCullough Creative in Dubuque. Check out the video to learn more about his career success!

WELLNESS 360 and GREEN CORNER | be well.

A Book Suggestion for You!

I recently learned of the book, The Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal, at the 1:1 Wellness Coaching informational session. There are now copies available at the Calmar and Peosta libraries for those who expressed interest. I haven’t read more than the intro, but I’m already shaking with excitement!

The Willpower Instinct provides a step-by-step program for identifying goals, strengthening self-control, and making lifelong changes, whether it’s weight loss, financial health, stress reduction, conquering procrastination, being a better parent or finding your focus.”

If I’ve piqued your interest, but you didn’t attend that 1:1 Wellness Coaching session, drop me a line!

Be well,


Green Corner: Test Your Knowledge in this Earth Day Quiz!

Earth Day is right around the corner! Mark your calendars for April 22 and consider doing something kind for Mother Earth (e.g. pick up trash, plant flowers). In the meantime try your hand at some trivia!

1) Which senator who came up with the idea of a national day to focus on the environment (aka Earth Day)?

a.) Ralph Nader

b.) Gaylord Nelson

c.) Hubert Humphrey

d.) Patrick Leahy

2) What bestselling book from 1962 helped raise public awareness and concern for living organisms, the environment and links between pollution and public health?

a.) The Lorax by Dr. Seuss

b.) The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan

c.) Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

d.) Population Bomb by Paul Ehrlich

3) Which country emits the most carbon dioxide?

a.) China

b.) the US

c.) Australia

d.) Denmark

4) Where does the majority of plastic waste end up?

a.) Landfills

b.) Oceans

c.) Recycling centers

d.) Roadside ditches

5) What is the percentage of U.S. plastic that is recycled?

a.) 9%

b.) 35%

c.) 50%

d.) 73%

6) What is the percentage of US energy consumption that was derived from renewable sources in 2016?

a.) 10%

b.) 30%

c.) 45%

d.) 70%

Answers: 1) B 2) C 3) A 4) B 5) A 6) A

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Jeff Foster

Electrical Program Instructor | Calmar

Who or what shaped your sense of humor?

My grandfather had a tremendous sense of humor. He had a joke for every moment, a million nonsense sayings to lighten the mood, a nickname for everyone and he never knew a stranger.

What experience most prepared you for your current role at the College?

Going back to college during the economic downturn ended with me being asked to teach. Well, I needed a job so …

What is your spirit animal and why?

Wolf. I am a strong believer in the pack.

If you could invent any product, no matter how unrealistic it may seem, what would it be and what would it do?

A perpetual motion machine that creates energy. It would solve the world’s energy problems and alleviate environmental issues in one swoop. I know, against the first law of thermal dynamics, but insert what they say about laws here: ________.

Have you ever had a moment where you thought, "Well, this is going to shape who I am!"; or "This is sure going to be a character builder!" Please share.

I was involved in a carjacking in 1992 and didn’t realize it at the time, but it has made me who I am and I would not change a thing. Life can be short, and I feel like each day is just icing and I am very lucky. I try to spend as much time as I can improving other people’s lives. Maybe that’s why I like teaching.

What was your favorite cartoon/comic/book growing up?

Calvin and Hobbes.

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!