friday takeout

October 25, 2019

CUPPA JOE | straight up news.

  • Northeast Iowa Community College 2019 Hall of Fame inductees announced ... news

  • Sports Shooting team wraps up fall semester with close finish against tough Hawkeye Community College squad ... news

  • External Relations produces video highlighting child care needs and new solution developed in partnership with Dubuque-area organizations ... link

WEEKLY FEATURE | good to know.

Major Telecommunications Update Underway!

Greetings NICC community! The College is happy to announce a major telecommunications update is underway, and we will be adding an entirely new phone system, district-wide. This is a big project and upgrade for the college. CIS would like to thank the many individuals involved with the two Focus Groups who helped redesign much of the system to allow for a district-wide fit. We would also like to thank the Senior Leadership Team for supporting this initiative for the college.

The new phone system will have numerous new features including; a district-wide phone book stored locally on the phone, new phones for each user and a single district phone number: 844.NICC.EDU. This district phone number will be now be answered by a district staff team.

Below are some Q&A that should help prepare you for the coming weeks.

Will there be any training for the new phones and when will it take place? Yes, training will be coordinated through CIS. Please be on the lookout for emails from the Helpdesk regarding more information on this. More in depth training will be provided to those in ring groups and front line phone staff.

Can we transfer between each campuses and local centers? Yes. With this new phone system users will be able to transfer calls from one campus to another.

Will my extension change? Yes. Calmar, Peosta and Dubuque locations will have an additional number added to their extensions. Example: Calmar extension will now have the number 1 added at the beginning of their extensions. If your current extension is 878 your new extension will be 1878. Peosta will be adding the number 2 in front of their extensions and Dubuque will be adding the number 3 in front of their extensions. The other locations will be getting completely new extensions. All extensions will now be a 4-digit number.

Will I need to setup a new voicemail? Yes. Sadly, everyone will have to re-record a new voicemail greeting.

Is there a plan to update marketing materials with the new phone numbers and extensions? Yes. The focus group and CIS will be meeting with Marketing to discuss promotional materials to ensure that the implementation plan coincides with the release of printed materials and webpage updates. Because extensions will be updated, marketing will be notifying college employees on the procedures on business card re-orders.

JUST DESSERTS | let's celebrate.

Doug Binsfeld Presented on Comprehensive Assessment at National Conference and Elected to CATYC Executive Council

After a juried selection process, the Council on Accreditation for Two Year Colleges (CATYC) selected Doug Binsfeld, associate vice president of learning and student success, to present at its September 2019 conference. Doug’s presentation was titled, “Building a Quality Comprehensive Assessment Program in ‘Fast Forward’ Mode." In addition to presenting at the conference, he was also elected to serve on the Executive Council of CATYC, a 19-state organization with more than 350 institutional members. CATYC is one of the largest organizations of two-year colleges in the United States, second only to the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC). One of its major purposes is to work with The Higher Learning Commission in the promotion of standards, practices and policies for two-year colleges.

Also in September, Doug was elected chair of the newly-formed Iowa Assessment and Accreditation group to promote communication among the 15 Iowa community colleges in regard to assessment and accreditation, learn about best practices across the state, and to share strategies in meeting state and federal accreditation expectations.

Thank you, Doug, for your leadership efforts and for delivering your presentation on quality comprehensive assessment at the national conference!

Congratulations and Welcome to Northeast Iowa Community College!

Alex Goerdt is a new Information Technology Programming Specialist at Peosta.

Alexandra Monoghan is a new Business and Community Solutions Program Developer at Peosta.

Debbie Nemmers is a new Custodian at Peosta.

Shara Sparrgrove is a new Success Coach at Peosta.

Darci Werner is a new Finance Coordinator at Peosta.

WELLNESS 360 and GREEN CORNER | be well.

With Halloween Just around the Corner, Here are Some Tips and Tricks for a Self-Controlled Holiday!

  • Everything in balance and moderation is great, right?! So, mix some treats with healthier stuff like fruits, veggies and other nutritious goodies.
  • Make sure you fill your bellies on Halloween with a good dinner. You’ll be less likely to snack on candy later. For those with little ones, consider doing a themed dinner like “orange foods” (baked sweet potato fries, carrots, squash soup) or name parts of a meal such as “guacamole slime” or “werewolf barf” (black bean dip).
  • Consider handing out something other than candy, such as stickers, bags of crackers, little toys or toothbrushes.
  • Encourage walking from house-to-house instead of driving everywhere. Trick-or-treating is a good excuse to get the steps in!
  • What do you do with the leftover candy? Out of sight, out of mind! Try putting the candy away in a place that is out of sight, and you may find that the kids forget about it after a few days.
  • Have you heard of the Switch Witch? She/He acts much like the Tooth Fairy leaving a present in exchange for most candy. What happens to the extra? The Switch Witch makes a deposit of candy at the local dentist office.



APPETIZER | a little something for your appetite.

Thank You for Participating!

The Friday Takeout editors received three submissions for the “Whose job at the College would you like to try for a day?” feature in October. Thank you for your participation, and don’t quit your day job!

Name: Flannery Cerbin-Bohach

Position title: Wellness and Life Stage Program Manager, Calmar

Whose job and why?

“I would like to be Tamara Canoy for a day, lead teacher of the 2's Room at the NICC Child Development Center. One sentence of explanation: My son is in Tammy's room and it would be fun to hang with him for the day; although not sure I could handle a room full of two-year-old sass for more than a day :)”

Name: Robin Hinders

Position title: Communications instructor, Calmar

Whose job and why?

“I would like to try Flannery Cerbin-Bohach's job as Wellness and Life Stage Program Manager because it would be such a positive experience to help everyone at the College to have a lifestyle that is more enriched and healthy, both physically and emotionally.”

Name: Darci Werner

Position title: Finance Coordinator, Peosta

Whose job and why?

“I have never worked in food service, but do love to cook. I would not have any clue what to do in regards to preparing food for a crowd. I have worked a few food stands, but nothing larger than that and mostly just taking money. I think it would be fun to tag along with the Cougar Cafe ladies (no particular one, all are Awesome!) and see how it's done, do some cooking and learn.”

BIG FISH | be amazed.

Kara Guyer

Instructional Designer, Online & Blended Learning (OBL) | Calmar Campus

What gets you excited about the mission of Northeast Iowa Community College? / Where do you find the greatest alignment between the College's Vision/Values and your own personal values and priorities?

While preparing to interview at the College just shy of two years ago, I looked at Dr. Wee's welcome message on the website, as well as the College's mission and vision. It was very clear that Dr. Wee and the College appeared to be passionate about one thing above anything else – people. My personal values are centered on loving God and loving others, so I am so grateful to work for a College that not only says they value people, but they live it out and act on it. While I align with all of the College's Values in some way, and I am particularly passionate about service and respect, resiliency connects deeply. My journey to today hasn't been an easy one, but I've learned a lot from my experiences and how to refocus and seize opportunities to improve and persist.

What is something you do in your workday that supports the College vision?

Everything I do in my workday is centered on how our team can help the members of the NICC community succeed in relation to educational experiences. As one of the instructional designers in OBL, the main role I have is to support and collaborate with instructors to create quality learning experiences that cultivate learner success. Some of my favorite feedback from learners over this past year was a direct result of our team's collaboration with instructors to cultivate community in online courserooms, and give learners opportunities to increase soft skills they could use outside of the courseroom. Many learners said that despite being in an online learning environment, they still felt they were a part of a community, and they finished these courses with increased soft skills. That's what drives me every day; knowing that despite having a more behind the scenes role with learners, I can still help make a difference in their lives and support the College's vision.

Have you ever had a moment where you thought, "Well, this is going to shape who I am!"; or "This is sure going to be a character builder!" Please share.

Over the last 11 years I have been on six missions trips – two to Kosovo, four to Mexico City –and one student service trip to Costa Rica. Every one of those trips has been a unique character builder in a different way (I have a lot of stories I can share!). I have learned new languages (please don't test my Albanian yet), navigated and learned about different cultures, worked on diverse teams with diverse perspectives and been challenged physically, emotionally and spiritually. All of those moments helped me grow exponentially in areas I needed to be (and still need to be) challenged in: humility, patience, discipline, perseverance and putting my complete trust in and reliance on God. While international missions trips have been important in my life, I also consider missions as my daily life, which continues to build character as well. Some days it builds more character than others :)

What food will you absolutely not, under any circumstances, eat?

Ham balls! I've eaten a lot of things over the years and on international travels that I struggled to appreciate, such as lutefisk, cow brain, pig fat, pumpkin soup (not as lovely as it sounds - it's no pumpkin latte!), but I would eat all of those again over ham balls! Ironically, the first meal I was served at my mother-in-law's home was ham balls; and, of course, I ate them with love. After my husband, to my horror, outed my dislike for them, she has been gracious enough to spare me since.

What kind of songs get wedged in your head, like an "ear worm?"

“Baby Shark,” “Wheels on the Bus,” “Hot Cross Buns.” Basically anything our 2-1/2 year old daughter listens to right now. Although the joy in hearing her sing them makes it worth the “ear worm.”

If you have input on a upcoming feature, Big Fish, something to celebrate or a suggestion, email us at!